"The Return" (Astounding January 1954) Note: an expanded version of this story can be found in "The Science Fictional Sherlock Holmes" (Council of Four, 1960)
"The Queen's Messenger" (Astounding May 1957)
"Trap for the Bleeder" (Fantastic Universe March 1959)
"To Catch an Alien" in Star Science Fiction #6 (Ballantine Books 1959)
"Take The Reason Prisoner" (Analog November 1963)
"Testing" (Fantastic Stories June 1964)
Null-ABC (Astounding February and March 1953) Note: also published as "Crisis in 2140" (Ace 1957)
Lone Star Planet (Fantastic Universe March 1957) Note: also published as "A Planet for Texans" (Ace 1958)