Johannes Paulus Lotsy or Jan Paulus Lotsy (11 April 1867 – 17 November 1931) was a Dutch botanist, specializing in evolution and heredity. He promoted the idea of evolution being driven by hybridization.
Lotsy was born into a wealthy family in Dordrecht and went to study at the Wageningen Agricultural College where his teachers included Martinus Beijerinck and then at the Göttingen University (1886-1890) where he studied lichens for his doctorate. He then went to Johns Hopkins University (1891–1895) as a lecturer and also served as director of the herbarium. From 1896 to 1900 he was sent to Java to work on cinchona research. He returned after suffering from malaria and then taught at Leiden University (1904-1909), as a lecturer in Systematic Botany. He became director of the State Herbarium (Rijksherbarium) 1906–1909, then Secretary of the Hollandsche Maatschappij van Wetenschappen.[1]
Lotsy founded the Association internationale des Botanistes and was editor of the Botanisches Centralblatt and the Progressus rei botanicae. He proposed a system of plant classification, based on phylogenetics. Lotsy argued for a major role of hybridization in evolution[2][3] including claims for human evolution.[4]
India (1895–1900), the United States (1922), Australia and New Zealand (1925), South Africa (1926–27), and Egypt (1930). He also studied the flora of Italy and Switzerland.
1928. Voyages of exploration to judge of the bearing of hybridization upon evolution (Genetica : nederlandsch tijdschrift voor erfelijheids- en afstammingsleer). Ed. M. Nijhoff
1922a. Van den Atlantischen Oceaan naar de Stille Zuidzee
1922b. A popular account of evolution. The Cawthron institute, Nelson, Nueva Zelanda. Cawthron lecture. Ed. R.W. Stiles & Co. 22 pp.
1915. Het Tegenwoordige Standpunt der Evolutie-leer
1911. Série IIIA. Sciences exactes. 1–4. Rédigées par J. P. Lotsy
1906a. Résultats scientifiques du Congrès international de botanique, Vienne, 1905. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse des Internationalen botanischen Kongresses, Wien, 1905 ... Redigiert von J. P. Lotsy ... Mit ... 1 Karte, etc
1906b. Vorlesungen über Deszendenztheorien, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der botanischen Seite der Frage, gehalten an der Reichsuniversität zu Leiden, etc.
1899. Rhopalocnemis Phalloides Jungh: A morphological-systematical study. Ed. E.J. Brill
1898. Contributions to the life-history of the genus Gnetum. Ed. E.J. Brill
1894. A contribution to the investigation of the assimilation of free atmospheric nitrogen by white and black mustard. Bulletin / U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of Experiment Stations. G.P.O. 19 pp.
2008. Evolution By Means Of Hybridization. Reeditado Maudsley Press. 176 pp. ISBN978-1-4097-0261-0
1928. A Popular Account of Evolution
1925. Evolution considered in the light of Hybridization. Ed. Canterbury College by Andrews, Baty & Co. 66 pp.
1907–1911. Vorträge über botanische Stammesgeschichte gehalten an der Reichsuniversität zu Leiden. Ein Lehrbuch der Pflanzensystematik. In drei Bände. Jena, Verlag von Gustav Fischer. With illustrations.
I. Algen und Pilze (Thallophyta) Jena: Gustav Fischer, 1907.
Lotsy argued that the monocotyledons were diphyletic, with the Spadiciflorae being derived from the dicotyledons (specifically Piperales) and the remainder from a hypothetical ancestor, the Proranales. Hutchinson, who argued for a monophyletic origin, considered this improbable.[6]
Hutchinson, John (1959). The families of flowering plants, arranged according to a new system based on their probable phylogeny. 2 vols (2nd ed.). Macmillan., Volume 2 at Internet Archive
This is a selected list of the more influential systems. There are many other systems, for instance a review of earlier systems, published by Lindley in his 1853 edition, and Dahlgren (1982). Examples include the works of Scopoli, Ventenat, Batsch and Grisebach.
Prodromus systemati naturalis regni vegetabilis sive enumeratio contracta ordinum, generum specierumque plantarum huc usque cognitarum, juxta methodi naturalis normas digesta