Jenaplan (or Jena Plan) schools are based on a teaching concept conceived and founded by the GermanpedagoguePeter Petersen from 1923-1927.[1][2] The term Jenaplan was coined by the London committee for preparing the 4th meeting of the ‘’New Education Fellowship’’ in Locarno in 1927. Petersen developed his concept at the University of Jena (hence the term), where he was the head of the Department of Education since 1923.
The basic ideas are independent learning by doing, cooperation and communal life, shared responsibility by school children and parents.[3] The basic forms of education according to the Jenaplan approach are:
Teaching: (interdisciplinary) core teaching, free work (free choice of discipline), course teaching (in special disciplines)
Party and celebrations: morning circle, week closure celebrations, birthday parties, enrollment and others
Discussions: round-tables, reports, talks, clarifying debates etc.
Play (free play, learning games, pause games, gymnastics games, theatre play): this supports the development of younger children, teaches rules for social behaviour, promotes attention
The Jenaplan schools operate according to 20 basic principles, e.g.:
Each human being is unique. Therefore, each child and each adult has an irreplaceable value and a special dignity.