Itbaraks (English: Shaggy Dog) or just Baraks are Turkic mythological creatures. They were "dog headed, dark coloured manly creatures". According to the Oghuz Khagan Narratives, their country was in the "unknown northwest". It can be assumed that it's around today's Siberia. Oghuz tried to invade them but couldn't succeed, so he had to retreat to a small island. Dog-headed menA huge part of Oghuz Khagan Narratives was about "invasions on dog-headed men". Turks called them "Itbaraks". "It" means "dog" and "Barak" means a dark, shaggy dog species. When Oghuz Khagan's invasion on Itbaraks failed and he retreated to a small island, one of his dead soldiers' widow wife (could be a beautiful Itbarak woman) gave birth. Oghuz Khagan and his people had no home or tent. So the woman had to give birth to his child in a hollow. Oghuz named this child "Kıpçak (Kipchak)", meaning "hollow" in Old Turkic. When Oghuz Khagan had invaded Itbarak lands after 17 years, he gave the lands to Kıpçak to rule. Year after years, Kıpçak's lineage has believed to become the old Turkic tribe Kipchaks. Oghuz Khagan NarrativesThe text about Itbaraks in the Narratives:
Similarities to other mythologiesStories about "Dog-headed men" can be found on many other mythologies. Europeans called them "Borus" and believed they were living in northern parts of today's Northern Europe. The itbaraks were believed to live in the pretty much same area. References