Israeli–Palestinian economic peace efforts

Israeli–Palestinian economic peace efforts refers to efforts to promote joint economic projects between Israelis and Palestinians, as a pathway to reach peace between the two groups.

It is based partially on official efforts and projects by the governments of Israel and the Palestinian Authority, and partially based on private efforts by individual companies and business people who seek to promote various ventures which promote economic unity and collaboration between the two sides.

General areas of cooperation and common effort

Valley of Peace Initiative

The Valley of Peace initiative is an effort to promote economic cooperation between Israel, Jordan and the Palestinians, based around efforts and joint projects in the Arava/Arabah Valley, along which runs the southern portion of the IsraelJordan border. It has received the personal attention and support of Shimon Peres, President of Israel. The initiative involves ongoing joint efforts by regional leaders to launch joint new industrial and economic projects, which will create new local businesses and job growth, and promote ongoing cooperation.[1][2][3]

The idea for this project began in 2005, when Israel, Jordan and the Palestinian Authority asked the World Bank to analyze the feasibility of this idea.[4]

The formal proposal for the Valley of Peace initiative began with a joint proposal in 2008 to build a canal between the Red and Dead Seas, desalinating the water, producing hydroelectric power and yielding profits, clean water, jobs and potentially unprecedented regional cooperation.[3] The study concluded in 2013, and an agreement was signed in 2013 by Israel, Jordan, and the Palestinian Authority to move ahead with the plan.[4]

In February 2015, Israel and Jordan signed an agreement to exchange water and jointly convey Red Sea brine to the shrinking Dead Sea. The agreement was reported to be worth about $800 million. It was the result of a memorandum of understanding signed among Israeli, Jordanian and Palestinian officials on December 9, 2013, in Washington. Under this agreement, Jordan and Israel will share the potable water produced by a future desalination plant in Aqaba, while a pipeline will supply saltwater to the Dead Sea.[5][6]

In December 2015, Israel and Jordan formally released the technical plans to move ahead with this project.[4]

A new desalination plant to be built near the Jordanian tourist resort of Aqaba would convert salt water from the Red Sea into fresh water for use in southern Israel and southern Jordan; each region would get eight billion to 13 billion gallons a year. This process would produces about as much brine as a waste product; the brine would be piped more than 100 miles to help replenish the Dead Sea, already known for its high salt content. This would reinforce the status of the Dead Sea as an important economic resource to both nations, in multiple areas including tourism, industry and business,[4][6] to create up to a million new jobs in Israel and the West Bank.[1]

Industrial parks

One component of economic peace efforts is hi-tech industrial parks where Israelis and Palestinians can work together in a cooperative atmosphere. One example is an industrial park in Nazareth by entrepreneur Stef Wertheimer, which was being built in May 2010.[7] Wertheimer has stated, "Coexistence in the industrial park in Arab Nazareth is a good example of coexistence. When people work together, they have no time for nonsense. They're too tired at night to commit terrorist acts. They're satisfied, they engage in producing. They work together, not against each other."[8][9] Wertheimer has founded four industrial parks in Israel.

"The idea of industrial parks in the Middle East and on the borders between Israel and its neighbors is that the parks will bring industry and provide jobs, which will keep people busy working, instead of engaging in terrorism," explains Wertheimer.[8] One park is the Tefen Industrial Park which includes everything from transportation to cultural and educational facilities. In April 2013, a new industrial park opened in Nazareth. He has established seven industrial parks – in Tefen, Tel-Hai, Dalton, Lavon and now Nazareth in the Galilee; in Omer in the Negev; and another in Turkey.[10]

Public statements

Benjamin Netanyahu, a former Finance Minister of Israel and the current Prime Minister of Israel has repeatedly made public statements during the 2009 Israeli elections which advocated an approach to peace based on economic cooperation and joint effort, rather than continuous contention over political and diplomatic issues.[11] He raised these ideas during discussions with U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.[12] Netanyahu continued to advocate these ideas as the Israeli elections got nearer and plans to execute them after he assumed office.[13]

Netanyahu has said:

Right now, the peace talks are based only one thing, only on peace talks. It makes no sense at this point to talk about the most contractible issue. It's Jerusalem or bust, or right of return or bust. That has led to failure and is likely to lead to failure again....We must weave an economic peace alongside a political process. That means that we have to strengthen the moderate parts of the Palestinian economy by handing rapid growth in those area, rapid economic growth that gives a stake for peace for the ordinary Palestinians.[11]

Similarly, in a Jerusalem Post interview, Tony Blair, the special envoy for the Quartet, said in May 2009:

Question: ... we're hearing about a determination to build from the bottom up with the Palestinians, including assurances that economic projects that had been stymied will now be advanced ...

Blair: ... you have to build from the bottom up as well as negotiate from the top down ... because once you take the three "headings" – politics, economics and security ... Each of these things take decisions ... it will become apparent, whether Israelis are prepared to build from the bottom up, and whether Palestinians understand that Israel will only tolerate a Palestinian state that is a stable and secure neighbor...

... people ask me, why are you bothered about whether there's a bit of agri-industrial thing around Jericho. And I say, because it matters. The detail on the ground really matters. Just supposing you've [created the conditions] in the Jericho area to exploit the [tourism] potential it has got. You're creating a whole set of stake-holders who, when it comes to those difficult concessions, are going to say, "We want the state." They are then believing in a reality, not a shibboleth ...[14]

On December 8, 2015, Israeli President Reuven Rivlin wrote an opinion piece in the Washington Post in which he stated:

Israel must take steps to improve the situation independent of the geopolitical territorial debate – steps that every sensible person understands serve simultaneously Israel’s moral and practical interests. Without resolving the question of whether or not Israel today has a Palestinian partner for peace, it is self-evident that the building of the new Palestinian city, Rawabi, is in Israel’s interest. Likewise, it is clear that cultivating channels of communication and cooperation between Israeli and Palestinian businessmen, educators and cultural figures improves our situation.[15]

General history

In 1995, the first efforts in this area occurred when Palestinian and Israeli officials reached an agreement to create six to nine industrial parks along the "seam" between Israel, Gaza and the West Bank. This was intended to address widespread Palestinian unemployment while bolstering Israel's internal security by reducing the long-term flow of Arab workers into Israel.[16]

Governmental planning 2006–2008

In July 2006, Japan announced a plan for peace called "Corridor for Peace and Prosperity", which would be based on common economic development and effort, rather than on continuous contention over land.[17] Shimon Peres gave this idea much attention during his participation in an international conference in New York in September 2006 which was organized by former U.S. President Bill Clinton.[18]

During this period, Turkey formed the Ankara Forum, a meeting process designed to promote cooperation between Israelis and Palestinians. At this group's fourth conference in January 2007, Turkey asserted it would pursue a project to revitalize the Erez Industrial Park in the Gaza Strip.[19]

In March 2007, at a two-day conference in Tokyo which included officials from Japan, Israel and the Palestinian Authority, Japan discussed its plan for peace based on common economic development and effort. Both sides stated their support.[20]

In March 2007, the Israeli Cabinet officially decided to adopt the Peace Valley plan, which would entail promotion of and cooperation on economic development for Palestinians.[20][21][22] However, some news reports indicated there was little chance of movement due to lack of attention by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and the Government of Israel.[23]

In his inaugural speech in July 2007, Peres mentioned this effort, and asserted that there was great potential for cooperation among Israel, Palestinians, and Jordan. He also noted this might mean positive support from Persian Gulf states.[24] In August 2007, Peres met with several Israeli businessmen to discuss ways to press the plan forward.[25] Peres stated that the plan might have many positive effects which might help promote peace.[26]

In August 2007, Foreign Ministers of Israel, Jordan, the Palestinian Authority, and Japan met in Jericho, and formally agreed to go ahead with this plan.[27] A ceremony took place that month in Jericho formally launching the project. it was attended by Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat, Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Aso and Jordanian Foreign Minister Abdul-Ilah Khatib.[28]

In January 2008, Peres announced that the plan had moved closer to realization, as new details were announced for implementation of joint economic effort in four locations in the West Bank. This included specific plans for industrial projects, and a jointly-built university, and investments from several countries, including Japan, Turkey and Germany.[2] Peres discussed this with Tony Blair during Blair's visit to the Mideast in February 2008.[29] Peres said that efforts were moving ahead.[30]

USAID and the World Bank have reviewed many of the specific proposals in depth, and issued a critique of many strengths and weaknesses of the plan.[31] In May 2008 Tony Blair announced a new plan for peace and for Palestinian rights, based heavily on the ideas on the Peace Valley plan.[32]

In May 2008, Peres hosted a conference in celebration of Israel's 60th anniversary, called "Facing Tomorrow".[33][34] He addressed numerous issues related to Israel's future. He discussed the Peace Valley initiative with numerous foreign leaders.[35] President George Bush expressed support for the idea.[36] Peres said that the initiative could bring lasting peace and transformation to the region. Regarding Palestinians, he said,

They haven't established a proper government and they don't have an army. We can't unite them and we can't divide them. We can't help them politically. We can only help them economically. Today, it's possible to coordinate economic aid with both the Jordanians and the Palestinians. [35]

General planning and implementation 2008–2011

In March 2008, Israeli and Palestinian civil defense officials gathered for their first full official meeting in a decade, to discuss further coordination of efforts to further pursue this project.[37]

In May 2008, a major economic international conference was held in Bethlehem, at which various businessmen and local leaders discussed various opportunities for economic development. Several leaders addressed the conference, including the director of the World Bank.[38] The conference was sponsored by various international private companies and some public organizations.[39] Conference sessions covered many details of Palestinian Development. One agricultural entrepreneur noted that Israel is his biggest market, while others speakers noted the need for coordination with Israel to allow further development.[40]

In July 2008, the Japanese government reiterated its support for the plan in meetings with Israelis and Palestinians, and urged the sides to continue working towards completion. Japan also indicated specific support for an agro-industrial park to be built near Jericho, and said it hopes to begin construction by 2009.[41][42]

The Bethlehem Small Enterprise Center opened in early 2008 with funding from Germany, and has helped Palestinian small businesses in various areas, such as helping printers to improve software and olive wood craftsmen to market their products.[43]

In 2008, the economy in the West Bank improved gradually. Economic growth for the occupied areas reached about 4-5% and unemployment dropped about 3%. Israeli figures indicated that wages in the West Bank rose more than 20% in 2008 and trade rose about 35%. Tourism in Bethlehem increased to about twice its previous levels, and tourism increased by 50% in Jericho.[43] In 2009, an economic boom began with growth reaching 7 percent, higher than in Israel or the West. Tourism to Bethlehem, which had doubled to 1 million in 2008, rose to nearly 1.5 million in 2009. New car imports increased by 44 percent. New shopping malls opened in Jenin and Nablus. Palestinian developers are planning to build the first modern Palestinian city, Rawabi.[44] In October 2008, the Palestinian Authority signed an agreement with the government of Germany, in which Germany donated 13 million euros to start work on the Jenin Industrial Estate.[45] Construction is expected to start by 2009.[46] In late 2008 efforts and discussions continued between local leaders on both sides of the border.[47]

In June 2009, after a meeting with World Bank President Robert Zoellick, the Israeli Regional Cooperation Minister, Silvan Shalom, announced a pilot project to build a "pilot" pipe 180 km long from the Red Sea to the Dead Sea. The pipe would pump 200 million cubic meters per year. Half of this would be desalinated for Jordanian consumption and half put into the Dead Sea.[48] Some experts questioned this project. Hebrew University of Jerusalem Prof. Avner Adin said more studies were needed on the potential environmental impact.[49][50] However, various groups and government officials from several countries say that the pipeline is needed to save the Dead Sea, which may be in danger of drying up due to some environmental factors.[51]

In early 2010, Shimon Peres took an active and personal role in efforts to promote local business initiatives. Peres personally led a tour of top Israeli executives through the West Bank, and told them about many new Palestinian businesses which show much growth potential.[7] One company highlighted by Peres was the New Generation Technology incubator, a joint Jewish-Arab effort founded in 2002 which encourages new ideas and projects in technology and biotechnology.[52]

Status of diplomatic efforts 2013–2015

In 2013, a new agreement was signed for a new industrial zone in Jericho.[53] In 2014, substantial progress was made in building Rawabi, a new city in the West Bank. Many saw this construction as an example of cooperation between Israel and Palestinians, due to Israeli efforts to support this effort through various steps such as providing raw materials.[54][55]

In November 2015, Israel and the Palestinian Authority signed an agreement to establish a 3G mobile network in the Palestinian territories, with services expected in the Israeli-occupied West Bank by the second half of 2016 and afterwards in Gaza.[56] Prior to that agreement, this had been an issue between the two sides [57]

In 2015, tensions began to rise between the two sides.[58] There was a period of heightened conflict in mid-2015. this was a cause of concern amongst advocates for economic cooperation. Various participants in these efforts expressed concern about the prospects for continuing to develop these efforts, due to some increase of tension in political and diplomatic areas.[59][60] In late 2015, some Palestinians began to reconsider whether they should continue to adhere to the Paris Protocol, the agreement between Israel and Palestinians which governed economic cooperation between the two sides.[61]

Also in 2015, some Israeli companies began to relocate their factories from settlements built on occupied Palestinian land as a way to circumvent a new EU requirement to label any goods produced in the West Bank.[62]

Some tensions revolved around existing economic projects. One example was the construction of Rawabi, a new city, which Israel partially helped to construct. It was intended to house 40,000 people in its first phase and more in the future; the first 700 homes had already been built by 2015. However, some claimed that conflicts with Israeli authorities had prevented it from having any roads other than a single-lane farm road, and that water access issues had not been resolved.[58]

On December 8, 2015, Israeli President Reuven Rivlin wrote an oped in which he criticized some aspects of the Israeli's government inattention to the economic welfare of Palestinians.[15][63] He met with President Barack Obama at the White House that week and discussed his ideas for pursuing the peace process.[64]

Community planning and projects

Organizational planning and cooperation

In 2009, efforts continued to build Palestinian local institutions and governments from the ground up. Much of this work was done by Tony Blair and U.S. General Keith Dayton. Some analysts saw this as a more substantial way to lay a groundwork for viable institutions and for local peace.[65]

The Israeli-Palestinian Chamber of Commerce was founded in 2009. Its chairman is Eival Gilady, and its CEO is Ofir Gendelman. It has already held its first conference, at which Tony Blair was the keynote speaker. It is dedicated to promoting development of joint economic initiatives and businesses.[66]

In early 2010, the Palestine Investment Fund (PIF) launched the first-ever Palestinian private equity fund, in order to raise $50 million to invest in Palestinian businesses. The PIF has a portfolio of about $800 million, and invests in projects such as housing and infrastructure. The PIF operates with its own board but reports to President Mahmoud Abbas. The new private equity fund will try to raise cash from investors to use to help small and medium-sized businesses. These enterprises employ about 85% of Palestinians and contribute to more than half the GDP in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, but lack access to banks and capital markets.[67]

Joint efforts and projects, and community endeavors

As of 2011, there are about 50 factories in the West Bank industrial region where Jews and Palestinians work together.[68]

Local organizations

Mejdi is a local grassroots Palestinian organization which was founded by Aziz Abu Sarah, a young Palestinian activist who seeks to advocate cooperation and reconciliation efforts. Mejdi's seeks to promote dialogue between Israelis and Palestinians. one part of its peacemaking efforts is to promote local economic development, and strengthening of Palestinian small businesses.[69] Abu Sarah has been consistently involved in a range of workshops and efforts in which he has promoted greater efforts towards reconciliation and dialogue between individual Israelis and Palestinians.[70]

Gilboa and Jenin communities

Efforts at joint development and dialogue have also moved forward on the local level in the Jenin area, through ongoing contact between the Israeli Gilboa Regional Council and local Palestinian officials of the Jenin district. Groundbreaking on the Jenin project is hoped to occur by January 2009.[71]

The regional area of Gilboa and Jenin has a long history of cross-border cooperation.[72] In December 2008, community leaders from both sides of the border met to pursue cooperation on a variety of topics.[73]

Joint economic cooperation between Israeli officials in Gilboa and Palestinian officials in Jenin has begun to have major results and benefits. In October 2009, a new project got underway promoting tourism and travel between the two areas. Major new business efforts and tourist attractions have been initiated in Jenin.[74] The two regions are planning a joint industrial zone which would bridge the border. Palestinians would produce locally-made handicrafts and sell them through Gilboa to other regions of the world. Another possible project is a joint language center, where Israelis and Palestinians would teach each other Arabic and Hebrew, as well as aspects of their cultural heritage. [75]

Joint businesses and industrial projects

Graffiti as peace activism: The Peace Kids on the Israeli West Bank barrier depicting Palestinian Handala and Israeli Srulik embracing one another.

Industrial parks

Industrial parks are one major product of cooperative efforts. This includes facilities such as Barkan Industrial Park.

Groups and companies

Olives of Peace is a joint Israeli-Palestinian business venture to sell olive oil. Through this project, Israelis and Palestinians have carried out joint training sessions and planning. It has also led to Palestinian oil production being enriched by Israeli ingredients.[76] It has produced olive oil which has been sold under the brand name "Olives of Peace."[77]

A new computer company composed of both Israelis and Palestinians has received major press coverage in Western media, as a vital new example of joint effort between Israelis and Palestinians. The company has offices in both Modiin and Ramallah. Palestinians have benefited from large amounts of venture capital available through Israeli contacts. Israeli involvement began by benefiting from the labor costs and salary levels in Palestinian society, where various Israeli business have already outsourced some business. Over time, the project became a partnership, owing to a large number of new Palestinian college graduates who studied information science and needed new business opportunities.[78]

Investors as individuals and companies, such as Michael Eisenberg of Benchmark Capital have sought to invest funds based on's long-term goals to create a totally web-based computer environment, free of any need for traditional software applications. Another significant connection has been through Noa Rothman, granddaughter of Yitzhak Rabin, whose organization promotes joint dialogue.[78]

See also


  1. ^ a b Israel, Jordan, PA and Japan Launch 'Valley of Peace', 8/15/07.
  2. ^ a b 'A valley of economic harmony by Yaakov Lappin,, 1/18/08.
  3. ^ a b Dramatic new support for Red-Dead plan By JUDY SIEGEL-ITZKOVICH, Jerusalem Post, May 16, 2008.
  4. ^ a b c d Israel, Jordan unveil $800m joint plan for ‘Red-Dead’ canal: As well as rejuvenating the rapidly diminishing Dead Sea, the canal will bring drinking water to both countries, Times of Israel, December 1, 2015.
  5. ^ Israel, Jordan sign historic plan to save Dead Sea, By Sharon Udasin, 02/27/2015.
  6. ^ a b Israel Desalinization Technology Leads to “Historic” Agreement with Jordan,, April 22, 2015.
  7. ^ a b Your guide today is... Shimon Peres, by Ron Friedman, Jerusalem Post, Jan 13, 2010.
  8. ^ a b Stef Wertheimer's New Middle East Archived 2008-10-07 at the Wayback Machine Israel21c, January 11, 2004
  9. ^ Peace through industrial parks: Israeli entrepreneur Stef Wertheimer wants to convert the Middle East to capitalism. Sep 18th 2003,
  10. ^ Stef Wertheimer opens Nazareth Industrial Park Israel MFA, accessed 5/6/2015.
  11. ^ a b Economics, not politics, is the key to peace Archived 2009-12-02 at the Wayback Machine By Raphael Ahren, Haaretz, November 21, 2008.
  12. ^ Netanyahu offers new peace vision, Roni Sofer, 11/7/08, Israel News.
  13. ^ Netanyahu Holds Big Lead in Prime Minister Race Polls, By Leslie Susser, The Jewish Journal, February 2, 2009.
  14. ^ Blair: We've reached 'moment of truth'[permanent dead link], By DAVID HOROVITZ,, May 10, 2009
  15. ^ a b What Israel should do to lay the groundwork for peace, by Reuven Rivlin, Washington Post, December 8, 2015.
  16. ^ Israelis, Palestinians plan industrial parks, Elaine Ruth Fletcher, SF Examiner, April 4, 1995.
  17. ^ Japan's Concept for Creating the Corridor for Peace and Prosperity (Background Paper) July, 2006, Government of Japan.
  18. ^ Peres to meet Musharraf and kings of Jordan, Morocco, Israel Today, 9/18/06.
  19. ^ Turkey and the Palestinian Question[permanent dead link], Bülent Aras, World Bulletin at, January 24, 2009.
  20. ^ a b Israelis, Palestinians applaud Japanese development plan Associated Press via, 3/15/07
  21. ^ Peres' 'Peace Valley' Project Approved, Arutz Sheva,, Mar/11/07.
  22. ^ Gov't pushes Peres 'Peace Valley' plan, By Herb Keinon,, Mar 11, 2007.
  23. ^ Border Control: $2.5 billion seeks government minister By Akiva Eldar, 06/11/2007.
  24. ^ Address to the Knesset by Shimon Peres on assuming the office of President of Israel, MFA website, 7/15/07.
  25. ^ President's office: Meeting with Israeli businessmen, Office of the President of Israel, 8/8/07.
  26. ^ Face Time with Shimon Peres,, 12/3/07.
  27. ^ Israel, Jordan, PA and Japan Launch 'Valley of Peace', Israel National news, 8/15/07.
  28. ^ 'Peace Valley' project ceremony takes place in Jericho, YNet News, 08.15.07.
  29. ^ Blair: PA economy boost will advance peace[permanent dead link], By GREER FAY CASHMAN AND ITAMAR SHARON,, Feb 6, 2008.
  30. ^ Israel to build Egypt border fence[permanent dead link], By Herb keinon, Jerusalem Post, 2/6/08.
  31. ^ Stagnation or Revival ? Israeli Disengagement and Palestinian Economic Prospects[permanent dead link], Report by Services Group, USAID and World Bank, at UNISPAL website.
  32. ^ Israel may ease grip in Tony Blair deal to revive West Bank, The Times May 14, 2008
  33. ^ Conference page Archived 2008-05-21 at the Wayback Machine,
  34. ^ 60th Independence guest list takes shape[permanent dead link] May 1, 2008 By GREER FAY CASHMAN, May 1, 2008.
  35. ^ a b Peres looks forward to tomorrow[permanent dead link], Greer Fay Cashman and David Horovitz, The JERUSALEM Post May 6, 2008.
  36. ^ Bush and Peres keep up optimism about peace[permanent dead link], By Greer Fay Cashman,, May 15, 2008.
  37. ^ IDF coordinators meet with PA counterparts for first time in a decade[permanent dead link], By YAAKOV KATZ Mar 18, 2008,
  38. ^ World Bank Sees Opportunities for Palestinian Investments, World Bank website. Accessed 2009-09-25.
  39. ^ Conference website.
  40. ^ Session notes Archived 2008-10-02 at the Wayback Machine, Conferenece website.
  41. ^ Press statement: The Third Ministerial-Level Meeting of the Four-Party Consultative Unit for the "Corridor for Peace and Prosperity" Japan Min of Foreign Affairs, 2 July 2008, Tokyo.
  42. ^ Japanese still solid on PA industry project[permanent dead link] ASSOCIATED PRESS, Jul 3, 2008, at
  43. ^ a b Palestinians Work to Jolt West Bank Back to Life, By Isabel Kershner and Ethan Bronner, NY Times, December 24, 2008.
  44. ^ Can West Bank improvements hold in 2010?, By Leslie Susser,, January 11, 2010.
  45. ^ Germany provides grant for Jenin industrial zone October 23, 2008
  46. ^ Joint Israeli-Palestinian industrial park to be built in north, Haaretz Service 9/8/2008.
  47. ^ West Bank project unites former foes, Oakland Ross, the star,com Dec 04, 2008.
  48. ^ Jpost article on Silvan Shalom announcement[permanent dead link],, 6/28/09.
  49. ^ Water expert: Red-Dead 'pilot' project could be premature[permanent dead link], By EHUD ZION WALDOKS, Jun 28, 2009.
  50. ^ Jerusalem Post editorial[permanent dead link], June 28, 2009
  51. ^ Dead Sea needs world help to stay alive by Ahmad Khatib, Agence France presse, 11/25/09.
  52. ^ Archived 2016-03-13 at the Wayback Machine, New Generation Technology (NGT) Company Profile.
  53. ^ Economic Cooperation Between Israel and Palestinians: While there is a great buzz about the renewed peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians, an agreement for economic cooperation was signed in Jericho Archived 2021-11-07 at the Wayback Machine. Aug 07, 2013
  54. ^ In Rawabi, the brand-new Palestinian city, both sides win:Projects like this bring our peoples closer together, says Bashar Al-Masri, the entrepreneur behind an unprecedented construction project that is changing the West Bank landscape, by ELHANAN MILLER, Times of Israel, February 19, 2014.
  55. ^ Residents move into Rawabi, the first Palestinian town to be built in generations: After years of construction, inhabitants are beginning to move into the first Palestinian town to be built in generations, despite criticisms that it looks like a Jewish settlement and caters for the rich, Robert Tait, The Telegraph, Sep 25, 2015.
  56. ^ Palestinians look to 3G telecoms to add buzz to economy, December 8, 2015.
  57. ^ Israel finally agrees to upgrade Palestinians to 3G, boosting tech startups, by Shira Rubin, Special for USA TODAY, December 8, 2015
  58. ^ a b Managing the situation or drifting towards disaster? The West Bank stands on the edge of a third intifada, The Economist, Nov 28th 2015.
  59. ^ Israel, Palestine both stand to lose by cutting economic ties,, October 2015.
  61. ^ Will Palestine shun the shekel?, by Ahmad Melhem, November 29, 2015.
  62. ^ Israeli manufacturers remove factories from settlements to avoid EU labelling Archived 2021-10-31 at the Wayback Machine, November 20, 2015.
  63. ^ Rivlin says Israeli government should enhance business cooperation to build trust between two peoples, by Tal Shalev, December 8, 2015, website.
  64. ^ Peace on Agenda as Obama, Rivlin Celebrate Hanukkah,, December 9, 2015.
  65. ^ Building Palestine from the bottom up, by Shlomo Avineri, Welt Online, 5/18/09.
  66. ^ Israeli-Palestinian Chamber of Commerce Archived 2010-12-14 at the Wayback Machine, Peres Center for Peace.
  67. ^ Selling a piece of Palestinian Main Street, by Edmund Sanders, The Los Angeles Times February 15, 2010. Original article. Posted at website of American Task Force on Palestine, Economic development news page.
  68. ^ Do West Bank Realities Defy Perceptions? Archived 2016-03-07 at the Wayback Machine, by Gary Rosenblatt, Jewish Week, Tuesday, January 25, 2011.
  69. ^ Mejdi website; Our Philosophy Archived 2010-01-05 at the Wayback Machine, accessed 12/25/09.
  70. ^ To Fatah and back, By LAUREN GELFOND FELDINGER,, Nov 19, 2009.
  71. ^ Encountering Peace: Creating a new reality on the ground[permanent dead link], By GERSHON BASKIN, CEO of the Israel/Palestine Center for Research and Information, Aug 4, 2008 .
  72. ^ The Search for Regional Cooperation: ‘Cooperation North’: A Model of Cross-Border Partnership, by Sharon Roling Vol. 7 Nos 1&2, 2000 Palestine-Israel journal.
  73. ^ West Bank project unites former foes, by Oakland Ross,, Dec 04, 2008.
  74. ^ Jenin now open to Arab-Israeli and foreign tourists, By RON FRIEDMAN,, 10/9/09.
  75. ^ Mutually assured prosperity Archived 2011-09-16 at the Wayback Machine, By RON FRIEDMAN,, 10/15/09.
  76. ^ “Israel-Palestinian cooperation a decision that makes sense from the economic point of view”, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) a political foundations in Germany for Mideast dialogue and cooperation, Oct. 26, 2008.
  77. ^ New joint Israeli-Palestinian olive oil brand launched, Ynet news, Published: 03.20.07.
  78. ^ a b Israelis and Palestinians Launch Web Start-Up By DINA KRAFT, New York Times, May 29, 2008.

Official websites

Media coverage and private sites

News coverage of individual sites and effort

  • Joint Israeli-Palestinian industrial park to be built in north, By Haaretz Service, 8/9/08. "A new joint Israeli-Palestinian industrial park will be built next year in the northern Gilboa region. It will cost $200 million and occupy some 350 acres of land, was approved on Monday by a joint Israeli-American committee, and will be built under the auspices of the US ambassador to Israel James Cunningham, the U.S. special envoy to the Mideast General James L. Jones and the U.S. Security Coordinator for Israel and the Palestinian Authority Keith Dayton."
  • Israeli, Palestinian mayors pitch rare joint industrial project, By Gil Shefler, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, September 1, 2009. "The Jewish mayor of a region in northern Israel adjacent to the West Bank announced a plan with the governor of the West Bank city of Jenin for a joint industrial zone, coexistence projects and a sports league that would bring together the region’s Israeli and Palestinian children."
  • Israel-Palestine: third party industrial zones, Bitter Lemons blog website, 5/24/07.
  • Town on Israeli-Palestinian border finds a good balance, Inexpensive goods on the West Bank side of Barta’a attract many Israelis for shopping, By Linda Gradstein February 17, 2012. in Barta’a, Israelis and Palestinians mix freely. The town is legally divided, with West Barta’a inside Israel and East Barta’a in the West Bank. But there’s no physical barrier between the two sides, and East Barta’a has developed a thriving market of hundreds of small stores selling everything from coffee sets to sheets to food to special teddy bears for Valentine's Day.
  • Palestinians mull 'economic peace' plan, June 2013, BBC. Yolande Knell takes a look at the economic outlook for Palestinians. With talks between Israel and the Palestinians stalled, US Secretary of State John Kerry returns to the Middle East with the incentive of a major investment plan for the Palestinians, dependent on progress towards a peace deal. The plan could boost the struggling Palestinian economy, but there are some who fear it could come at the price of their political demands.

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此條目可参照英語維基百科相應條目来扩充。 (2021年5月6日)若您熟悉来源语言和主题,请协助参考外语维基百科扩充条目。请勿直接提交机械翻译,也不要翻译不可靠、低品质内容。依版权协议,译文需在编辑摘要注明来源,或于讨论页顶部标记{{Translated page}}标签。 约翰斯顿环礁Kalama Atoll 美國本土外小島嶼 Johnston Atoll 旗幟颂歌:《星條旗》The Star-Spangled Banner約翰斯頓環礁地…


English footballer Ben Gladwin Gladwin with Swindon Town in 2015Personal informationFull name Benjamin Thomas Charles Gladwin[1]Date of birth (1992-06-08) 8 June 1992 (age 31)Place of birth Reading, EnglandHeight 1.90 m (6 ft 3 in)[2]Position(s) MidfielderTeam informationCurrent team Crawley TownNumber 7Youth career2001–2005 Reading2005–2006 Eldon Celtic2006–2009 Aldershot TownSenior career*Years Team Apps (Gls)2009–2010 AFC Wallingford 22 (6)2010 Sali…

  关于与「內閣總理大臣」標題相近或相同的条目页,請見「內閣總理大臣 (消歧義)」。 日本國內閣總理大臣內閣總理大臣紋章現任岸田文雄自2021年10月4日在任尊称總理、總理大臣、首相、阁下官邸總理大臣官邸提名者國會全體議員選出任命者天皇任期四年,無連任限制[註 1]設立法源日本國憲法先前职位太政大臣(太政官)首任伊藤博文设立1885年12月22日,​…

У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Решетиха (значения). Посёлок городского типаРешетиха 56°13′08″ с. ш. 43°17′37″ в. д.HGЯO Страна  Россия Субъект Федерации Нижегородская область Муниципальный район Володарский Городское поселение рабочий посёлок Ре…

يفتقر محتوى هذه المقالة إلى الاستشهاد بمصادر. فضلاً، ساهم في تطوير هذه المقالة من خلال إضافة مصادر موثوق بها. أي معلومات غير موثقة يمكن التشكيك بها وإزالتها. (أغسطس 2020) هذه مقالة غير مراجعة. ينبغي أن يزال هذا القالب بعد أن يراجعها محرر؛ إذا لزم الأمر فيجب أن توسم المقالة بقوال…

هذه المقالة يتيمة إذ تصل إليها مقالات أخرى قليلة جدًا. فضلًا، ساعد بإضافة وصلة إليها في مقالات متعلقة بها. (يوليو 2022) جزء من سلسلة مقالات حولجائحة فيروس كورونا SARS-CoV-2 (الفيروس) COVID-19 (المرض) خط زمني التسلسل الزمني 2019 نوفمبر-ديسمبر 2020 يناير فبراير مارس أبريل المواقع المناطق 2019–20 …

Maserati Coupé Marque Maserati Années de production 2002 - 2007 Classe Grand Tourisme Moteur et transmission Moteur(s) Essence V8 à 90°,32 soupapes Cylindrée 4 244 cm3 Puissance maximale 390 et 400 ch (287 et 294 kW) Transmission PropulsionBoîte manuelle ou robotisée à 6 rapports Masse et performances Masse à vide 1 690 kg Vitesse maximale 290 km/h Accélération 0 à 100 km/h en 4,9 s Consommation mixte 14,3 L/100 km Châssis - Car…

Частина серії проФілософіяLeft to right: Plato, Kant, Nietzsche, Buddha, Confucius, AverroesПлатонКантНіцшеБуддаКонфуційАверроес Філософи Епістемологи Естетики Етики Логіки Метафізики Соціально-політичні філософи Традиції Аналітична Арістотелівська Африканська Близькосхідна іранська Буддійсь…

A lake in Alberta, Canada For the lake in South Dakota, see Abraham Lake (South Dakota). Abraham LakeLake on the North Saskatchewan RiverAbraham LakeLocationClearwater County, AlbertaCoordinates52°13′25″N 116°25′38″W / 52.22361°N 116.42722°W / 52.22361; -116.42722TypeReservoirEtymologySilas AbrahamPrimary inflowsNorth Saskatchewan RiverPrimary outflowsNorth Saskatchewan RiverBasin countriesCanadaMax. length32 km (20 mi)Max. width3.3 km (2.1…

Canadian ice hockey player For the Irish modern pentathlete, see Mark Hartigan (pentathlete). Ice hockey player Mark Hartigan Hartigan with the Syracuse Crunch in 2006Born (1977-10-15) October 15, 1977 (age 46)Lethbridge, Alberta, CanadaHeight 6 ft 1 in (185 cm)Weight 205 lb (93 kg; 14 st 9 lb)Position CentreShot LeftPlayed for Atlanta ThrashersColumbus Blue JacketsAnaheim Ducks Detroit Red WingsDinamo RigaCSKA MoscowRapperswil-Jona LakersLinköpings HCNHL…

British Prime Minister from 1905 to 1908 Campbell-Bannerman redirects here. For other people with this name, see Campbell-Bannerman (surname). The Right HonourableSir Henry Campbell-BannermanGCBPortrait by George Charles Beresford, 1902Prime Minister of the United KingdomIn office5 December 1905 – 3 April 1908MonarchEdward VIIPreceded byArthur BalfourSucceeded byH. H. AsquithLeader of the OppositionIn office6 February 1899 – 5 December 1905MonarchsVictoriaEdward VIIPrime Mi…

Voce principale: Misure di potenza nei sistemi trifase. L'inserzione Aron è un metodo di misura della potenza elettrica di un sistema trifase tramite l'ausilio di due soli wattmetri. Prende il nome dal fisico tedesco Hermann Aron. Misura della potenza in un sistema trifase con il metodo Aron Sebbene in un sistema trifase le potenze da misurare siano tre, una per ogni fase, con l'ausilio dell'inserzione Aron si riesce a misurare la potenza del sistema con due soli wattmetri, collegando ad esempi…

Defined list of sacred texts recognized by various schools of Tibetan Buddhism Young monks printing scriptures. Sera Monastery, Tibet. 1993 Printing the scriptures, Sera Monastery Part of a series onTibetan Buddhism Schools Nyingma Kadam Sakya Bodong Kagyu Jonang Gelug Rimé Key personalities First dissemination Padmasambhāva Śāntarakṣita Kamalaśīla Songtsen Gampo Trisong Detsen Ralpacan Second dissemination Atiśa Talika Abhayakirti Niguma Sukhasiddhi Milarepa Nyingma Yeshe Tsogyal Longc…

American politician from Texas This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: Annette Strauss – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (February 2011) (Learn how and when to remove this message) Annette Strauss54th Mayor of DallasIn officeMay 4, 1987 – December 2, 1991[1]Preceded byStar…

Electronic musical instrument The Hammond XB-2 recreates the sound of the vintage electromechanical Hammond organs in a much lighter, smaller keyboard that uses electronic circuits to reproduce the sound of the spinning tonewheels. A clonewheel organ is an electronic musical instrument that emulates (or clones) the sound of the electromechanical tonewheel-based organs formerly manufactured by Hammond from the 1930s to the 1970s. Clonewheel organs generate sounds using solid-state circuitry or co…

Эта статья — о футбольном клубе, основанном в 1977 году. О футбольном клубе, существовавшем с 1899 по 1973 год см. Гейтсхед (футбольный клуб, 1899). Стиль этой статьи неэнциклопедичен или нарушает нормы литературного русского языка. Статью следует исправить согласно стил…