Interreg is a series of programmes to stimulate cooperation between regions in and out of the European Union (EU), funded by the European Regional Development Fund. The first Interreg started in 1989. Interreg IV covered the period 2007–2013. Interreg V (2014–2020) covers all 27 EU member states, the EFTA countries (Norway, Switzerland, Iceland, Liechtenstein), six accession countries and 18 neighbouring countries. It has a budget of EUR 10.1 billion, which represents 2.8% of the total of the European Cohesion Policy budget.[1] Since the non EU countries don't pay EU membership fee, they contribute directly to Interreg, not through ERDF. Aims of the programmeInterreg is designed to stimulate cooperation between member states of the European Union on different levels. One of its main targets is to diminish the influence of national borders in favor of equal economic, social and cultural development of the whole territory of the European Union.[citation needed] The Interreg goal is designed to strengthen economic, social and territorial cohesion throughout Europe, by fostering the balanced development of the continent through cross-border, transnational and inter-regional cooperation. Special emphasis has been placed on integrating remote regions with those that share external borders with the candidate countries. OrganisationInterreg was launched as Interreg I for the programming period 1989–1993 (budget EUR 1.1 billion), and continued as Interreg II for the subsequent period 1994–1999. It moved on to Interreg III for the period 2000–2006. Projects from that closed by the end of 2008. Interreg IV covered the years 2007–2013. Interreg V operated in the period from 2014 through 2020. Interreg VI is currently operational, from 2021 until 2027. Interreg differs from the majority of Cohesion Policy programmes in one important respect: it involves a collaboration among authorities of two or more Member States. Interreg measures are not only required to demonstrate a positive impact on the development on either side of the border but their design and, possibly, their implementation must be carried out on a common cross-border basis. Once the Operational Programmes have been approved by the European Commission, the implementation of the programmes is co-ordinated by steering committees, which consist of representatives of the authorities responsible for Cohesion Policy measures in each member state. These can be both central state agencies and regional agencies. Like almost all Cohesion Policy measures, Interreg projects require co-funding to be provided by Member States, regional authorities or the project leaders themselves. The amount of co-funding required differs by region, ranging from 50% down to 0% in the poorest regions. The final beneficiaries of Interreg funds are usually public authorities, interest associations and non-profit organisations, such as chambers of commerce, employer organisations, unions or research institutes. Under Interreg IV, private firms are only eligible if they apply through a consortium of several firms; in previous programme periods, they were not eligible at all. StrandsInterreg is made up of three strands: Interreg A, Interreg B and Interreg C.[2] They are described in more detail below.[3] Strand A: cross-border cooperationCross-border cooperation between adjacent regions aims to develop cross-border social and economic centres through common development strategies. The term cross-border region is often used to refer to the resulting entities, provided there is some degree of local activity involved.[4] The term Euroregion is also used to refer to the various types of entities that are used to administer Interreg funds. In many cases, they have established secretariats that are funded via technical assistance: the Interred funding component aimed at establishing an international presence for local Interreg deployment. Interreg A is by far the largest strand in terms of budget and number of programmes. Strand B: transnational cooperationTransnational cooperation involving national, regional and local authorities aim to promote better integration within the Union through the formation of large groups of European regions. Strand B is the intermediate level, where generally non-contiguous regions from several different countries cooperate because they experience joint or comparable problems. There are 13 Interreg IVB programmes. Strand C: interregional cooperationInterregional cooperation aims to improve the effectiveness of regional development policies and instruments through large-scale information exchange and sharing of experience (networks). This is financially the smallest strand of the three, but the programmes cover all EU Member States. Interreg IIIPeriod 2000-2006 Strand A: cross-border cooperationPriorities for action in strand IIIA were:
Examples of Interreg IIIA programmes
Strand B: transnational cooperationProposals for transnational cooperation under IIIB had to take account of:
Within this context, the priorities for action whereas follows:
In the specific case of ultra-peripheral regions, transnational cooperation encourages the following initiatives:
Examples of Interreg IIIB projects
Strand C: interregional cooperationInterreg IIIC promoted interregional co-operation between regional and other public authorities across the entire EU territory and neighbouring countries. It allowed regions without joint borders to work together in common projects and develop networks of co-operation. Co-operation under Interreg IIIC gave access to experience of other actors involved in regional development policy and created synergies between "best practice" projects and the Structural Fund's mainstream programmes. The overall aim was to improve the effectiveness of regional development policies and instruments through large-scale information exchange and sharing of experience (networks) in a structured way. Priorities for action included research, technology development, enterprise, the information society, tourism, culture, and the environment. Examples of Interreg IIIC projects
Interreg IVInterreg IV - 2007-2013 - has a budget of almost 7,8 billion euro (2006 prices), up from 4,9 billion euro in Interreg III (1999 prices). Strand A: cross-border cooperationThe A strand of Interreg IV covers 52 programmes, which use up to 74% of all resources (some 5,6 billion euros). Examples of Interreg IVA projects
Strand B: transnational cooperationInterreg IVb is divided into thirteen different Operational Programmes (OPs).[10] Each OP is led by a Secretariat and covers a specific part of the EU territory. All Member States can participate in Interreg IVB, but only if an organisation or authority is located in the eligible area of one of the programmes (Annex 1). IVB has a total budget of 1,82 billion euro for the programme period 2007–2013. List of the Interreg IVb programmes:
Examples of Interreg IVB projects
Strand C: interregional cooperationStrand C covers the interregional co-operation programme (INTERREG IVC) and 3 networking programmes (URBACT II, INTERACT II and ESPON). Each programme covers all 27 Member States of the EU. ESPON, the European Spatial Planning Observation Network, covers 31 states; Liechtenstein, Norway, Iceland and Switzerland are included as well. They provide a framework for exchanging experience between regional and local bodies in different countries. Strand C has an ERDF contribution of 445 million euros. The non-EU countries contribute fully their shares to these programs. Examples of Interreg IVC projects
Interreg VThe funding period 2014-2020 was centered around the Europe 2020 Strategy which was adopted by the EU in 2010. It was aimed at leading the EU towards an intelligent, sustainable and integrative economy characterized by high levels of employment and production as well as by a marked social and territorial cohesion. Interreg VIFor this period 2021-2027 a budget of nearly EUR 10 billion has been allocated to support around 100 Interreg programmes which operate across borders, both within and outside the EU, contributing to the implementation of the EU’s main cohesion policy priorities. See alsoReferences
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