Indrajeet is a 1991 Bollywood action film directed by K. V. Raju. The film stars Amitabh Bachchan, Jaya Prada in lead roles, with Kumar Gaurav, Neelam, Saeed Jaffrey, Sadashiv Amrapurkar, Kader Khan in supporting roles. The film was a remake of the director's own Kannada film Bandha Muktha (1987), starring Tiger Prabhakar. Plot summaryHonest Police officer Inderjeet's life takes a turn for the worse when he has to arrest his lady love Shanti's (Jaya Prada) father, Mr. Din Dayal for murder, but gets transferred. Years later, retired Inderjeet arranges his adopted daughter Neelu's (Neelam Kothari) marriage with Vijay (Kumar Gaurav), but the married couple gets killed by Shanti's brother and his friends. When the police take no action, Inderjeet decides to take the law into his hands to avenge his adopted daughter's death. Cast
SoundtrackAll music was composed by Rahul Dev Burman and penned by Gulshan Bawra.
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