In the Hour of Chaos
In the Hour of Chaos is a 2016 American documentary film directed by Bayer Mack about the life and trials of the Reverend Martin Luther King Sr. ("Daddy King"), father of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. The film's ensemble voice cast uses first-person narration sourced from autobiographies and biographies about Daddy King, family attorney Murray M. Silver and other King relatives and associates.[1][2] SynopsisSet against a backdrop of sociopolitical intrigue and anarchy spanning three generations of the King family, In the Hour of Chaos also goes behind-the-scenes of America's major domestic conflicts and takes a critical view of liberalism's effect on the black civil rights movement. Cast
ReleaseIn the Hour of Chaos was released on February 19, 2016 as part of a Black History Month event sponsored by the Greater Cleveland Urban Film Festival (GCUFF), which included writer/director Bayer Mack's debut film The Czar of Black Hollywood,[3] and premiered on public television on July 25, 2016.[4][5] The film was featured at San Francisco's de Young Museum as part of the Bay Area's "MLK Day of Revelations".[6] AccoladesIn the Hour of Chaos was an official documentary selection of the 2017 San Francisco Black Film Festival and named Runner Up.[7] See alsoReferences
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