In Flight (film)
In Flight is an upcoming American thriller film directed and produced by Bo Youngblood in her feature film directorial debut. It is written and produced by John Ierardi and Drew McAnany. It stars Tiffany Smith, Maria Russell and Cristo Fernández, who is also an executive producer. SynopsisClaire Reynolds meets a mysterious stranger Marco the night before she takes a dream trip to Paris. Instead of Paris however, she awakes on an airplane with no memories of how she got there.[1] Cast
ProductionThe film is produced by Showdown Productions and Espectro Mx Films. John Ierardi and Drew McAnany wrote and produced the project, from Ieraedi's story. Bo Youngblood directed and produced. Cristo Fernández starred and was an executive producer. Principal photography finished in July 2023.[2][3] CastingCasting on the project includes Cristo Fernandez, Maria Russell, Tiffany Smith as well as Ashley Jones, Scott Dean, Alisa Allapach, Sandi McCree, Brandon Morales, Darren Weiss, Daniel Robaire, Kelsie McDonald and Tiagz.[4] ReleaseGravitas Ventures acquired worldwide rights in May 2024.[5] Releases November 8th, exclusively at LOOK Cinema in Glendale, CA. References
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