Ricardo Albenori, a dissolute young man, and his friend, the soldier Rodimarte Bombarda, arrive in Pisa, having escaped from Lucca where they had run into trouble with the law. In Lucca, Riccardo had also seduced Leonora Dorini before rejecting her in favour of Doralice Rossetti. Leonora has followed him and takes refuge with Cornelia Buffacci, Doralice's aunt. Doralice, too, is still pursuing Riccardo, who manages to convince her he loves her.
Act 2
Erminio, Leonora's brother who is in love with Doralice, arrives in Pisa. Leonora tells him how Riccardo, Erminio's friend, seduced her. He vows to avenge her. Leonora and Doralice quarrel over Riccardo.
Act 3
Riccardo plans to elope with Doralice but Erminio finds him and challenges him to a duel. Riccardo is wounded, repents his dissolute life and accepts Leonora's hand in marriage.
^Vaccarini, Marina, Trionfo dell'onore, Il, in Gelli, Piero & Poletti, Filippo eds. (2007). Dizionario dell'Opera 2008, Milan: Baldini Castoldi Dalai, pp. 1311-1312. ISBN978-88-6073-184-5 (reproduced online at Opera Manager (in Italian))