Idan Zareski ia French-Israeli sculptor born in Haifa, Israel
has lived in various countries before making his home in Calmont, France.[1]
A self-taught sculptor
By combining his ideas with materials such as resin or bronze, Idan creates bodies in motion, either balanced or frozen in space. These sculpture projects are finalized in his workshops in France, Portugal, or Florida. Zareski never took any art or anatomy courses; instead, he follows his instincts and emotions rather than relying on drawings or sketches. Remarkably, ninety percent of his creations are shaped in less than one hour.[1] The memories of his childhood, mostly spent in Africa, serve as his main source of inspiration. The artist recreates what he has witnessed while leaving room for improvisation, bringing us the Bigfoot Family Project.[2]
Each one possesses a unique character while maintaining a common familial symbolism—big feet, which represent our roots and our connection to the Earth.[4] According to Zareski, "no matter our race, color, where we live, or who we are, we are all tied to our paradisiac planet, our home”.[5]
Idan aims to express the idea of unity among the human race through his work.[6] The artist alters and transforms human anatomy in his sculptures by amplifying body parts, adopting relaxed postures, and using dramatic, vibrant colors ranging from metallic purple to bright green. These elements surprise the audience while conveying a tranquil, peaceful message. A closer look at the sculptures reveals a reflection and critique of our humanity, with each family member carrying an awareness message about cultural differences and origins.[7]
A globetrotter family
The Bigfoot family members are found in various locations around the world.[8] Idan Zareski's artistic expression is evident in both monumental and smaller sculptures, with his work showcased in museums, galleries, art shows, luxury hotels, and parks. Cities like Miami,[9]New York City,[10]Monaco, Panama City, Paris, Cartagena and San José, Costa Rica are among the places where the Bigfoot Family has taken root.[11]