IMP (TV series)
IMP is an animated television series created by Andy Fielding. The series was developed in black and white with a minimalist design, and was developed and produced by Red Kite Animation, with Screen 21 as co-producer. Distributed by BRB Internacional, it aired on TVC and consists of 65 episodes of 90 seconds each. IMP has been issued and aired worldwide including Cartoon Network, in which the series was part of Sunday Pants, Disney Channel Japan, and Antena 3 in Spain. SynopsisThe series takes place in the lair of "The Imp" (Stephen Mangan) and his surroundings. Though the Imp tries and declares himself to be the embodiment of pure evil, he is more childish and petty than truly diabolical, and though he tries to fill the world with sin and suffering, he is far too small and incompetent to make a good job of it. Other characters in the show include Bob (Julian Rhind-Tutt), the rabbit-eared, highly competent, and rather sardonic caretaker of the lair; the moronic, twin monsters Philippe and Bertrand; a helpful Hand on wheels; Lumen, who, dressed in all white and determined to spread sweetness and light, is regarded by the IMP as his nemesis; the IMP's rival Cat-Thing, who continually seeks to destroy him (unsuccessfully); and the Big Boss (the devil himself, and actually once referred to as "Satan"). Episodes
ReceptionIMP has a score of 7.8 on IMDB.[1] Awards
ReferencesExternal links