Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers List of IEEE awards IEEE 754 IEEE Standards Association IEEE 1394 IEEE 802.15 List of IEEE publications IEEE Intelligent Systems IEEE Design & Test IEEE 1284 IEEE Sensors Journal IEEE 802.3 IEEE Power & Energy Society IEEE 802 IEEE style IEEE Software IEEE Communications Magazine IEEE Wireless Communications IEEE 1471 IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication IEEE Xplore IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials IEEE Spectrum IEEE 802.16 IEEE Computing Edge IEEE Communications Letters IEEE Security & Privacy IEEE Transactions on Games IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters IEEE Power & Energy Magazine IEEE Microwave Magazine IEEE Systems, Man, and Cy…

ybernetics Society IEEE 1667 IEEE 754-2008 revision IEEE Magnetics Letters IEEE Transactions on Multimedia IEEE Transactions on Advanced Packaging IEEE Life Sciences IEEE 1901 IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing IEEE 802.1Q IEEE Honorary Membership IEEE 1680 IEEE Transactions on Communications IEEE MultiMedia IEEE Internet of Things Journal IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security IEEE Transactions on Robotics List of IEEE conferences IEEE 1675-2008 IEEE Tran

sactions on Green Communications and Networking IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies IEEE P1363 IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics IEEE Internet Computing IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement IEEE 802.11 IEEE Annals of the History of Computing IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications Proceedings of the IEEE IEEE 802.1AE IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic