Hyperlinked is an American semi-autobiographystreaming television series produced exclusively for YouTube Premium, featuring the now-disbanded music group L2M.[1] The series was created by Juliette Brindak Blake, Hermine Brindak and Larry Reitzer.[2] 10 episodes released on May 31, 2017. The 22-minute-long series is produced and distributed by Disney.[3] The aim of this series was to get young girls into STEM.[4]
The five members of L2M (McKenzie Mack, Tati McQuay, Mariangeli Collado, Jenna Raine Simmons, and Lexi Drew) takes on the roles of five friends in Hyperlinked named Justine, Izzy, Juliette, Olivia, and Ella respectively, along with actress Nicole Laeno frequently recurring as the character Harlie. The 10-episode series follows a groups of girls as they come together to create their own website aimed towards girls, while also dealing with tween issues involving friendship and growing up. The show was written and directed by a women's team.[5]
Mariangeli Collado as Juliette, the creator of the website Miss O and Friends, who also hosts the "Answer Girl" segment. The character is based on experiences of the real Juliette Brindak Blake.
McKenzie Mack as Justine, the primary programmer for Miss O and Friends.
Jenna Raine Simmons as Olivia, the namesake of Miss O and Friends and Juliette's softball-playing younger sister.
Tati McQuay as Izzy, a dancer who frequently is seen on Miss O. McQuay additionally choreographed all of the music videos for the show.
Lexi Drew as Ella, a fashionista whose parents are divorced.
Nicole Laeno as Harlie, a camera operator for the website's videos and close friend of Olivia's.
Additionally, Hayden Summerall, a social media influencer and singer, makes a cameo appearance along with Nadia and Ruby Rose Turner in "Ticket Giveaway", and Juliette Brindak and Susan Wojcicki appear as executives from the fictional tech company Global Tech in "The Offer".