Hongniang, or Scarlet, is a fictional character from Yingying's Biography, a Chinese story by Yuan Zhen (779–831), and Romance of the Western Chamber, a Chinese play by Wang Shifu (1250–1337?). She is the maidservant of Cui Yingying.[1]: 156 The character of Hongniang became increasingly important from Yuan Zhen's story to Wang Shifu's play and later versions, eventually becoming the protagonist in the one-act play Hongniang.[2]: 79 In Wang Shifu's play, Hongniang plays a key role as a witty, cunning, and righteous character who facilitates the love affair between Cui Yingying and Scholar Zhang (Zhang Gong).[2]: 48 Hongniang has entered modern Chinese vocabulary as a synonym for a (female) matchmaker.[2]: 48 References