1950 science fiction short story by Fredric Brown
"Honeymoon in Hell" is a science fiction short story by American writer Fredric Brown, first published in 1950. It was the title story of a short story anthology published in 1958.
- Honeymoon in Hell
- Too Far
- Man of Distinction
- Millennium
- The Dome
- Blood
- Hall of Mirrors
- Experiment
- The Last Martian
- Sentry
- Mouse
- Naturally
- Voodoo
- "Arena"
- Keep Out
- First Time Machine
- And the Gods Laughed
- The Weapon
- A Word from Our Sponsor
- Rustle of Wings
- Imagine
In 1956 the short story Honeymoon in Hell was adapted for radio on NBC's X Minus One program.[1]
In 1987, Mexican filmmaker Guillermo del Toro adapted Naturally into a short film entitled Geometria.
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