The format of the show consists of the host Aadesh Bandekar, visiting the homes of women in different cities of Maharashtra and playing various games with them.[5][6] He is affectionately called "Bhauji" which translates to Brother-in-law.[7][8] The show also has a segment where Aadesh Bandekar chat with the women and their families. At the end of every episode, the winner of the games receives Paithani saree from him.[9][10]
Jitendra Joshi was replaced as the show's regular anchor in 2009 while Aadesh was contesting for the Maharashtra State Assembly election.[36][37] He hosted the season Navvadhu No.1.[38][39] In 2011, Nilesh Sable replaced Jitendra in 2011 and hosted the season Jaubai Jorat.[40][41]
The series again premiered on 14 January 2011 replacing Sade Made Teen.[42][43] The show stopped airing temporarily on 1 May 2010 with a total of 1616 episodes due to the Maharashtra State Election and it started again with new season.[44][45]