British television series
Heroes of Comedy is a British television series, produced by Thames Television, and broadcast on Channel 4, which devotes each episode to a legend of British comedy. It was produced by John Fisher. Beginning in 1995, it followed a 2½ hour more general programme from 1992.
Series one
Series two
- The first group subject, and the first where two of the performers covered (Spike Milligan and Harry Secombe) were alive at the time of broadcast.
Series three
This series examined dead performers.
Series four
All subjects in this series were living at the time of broadcast.
Series five
This series examined living and dead performers.
Series six
- Previously covered as part of the Goons episode. Aired three days after Milligan's death.
Series seven
Episode number |
Subject |
Original air date
1 |
Max Wall |
2 January 2003
External links