Victor Alexandre Henri Chaput (17 November 1857, Tonnerre – 1919) was a French surgeon who specialized in intestinal surgery.
He studied medicine in Paris, where he received his doctorate in 1885. In 1888 he became a hospital surgeon, subsequently performing surgery at the Hôpitaux Broussais, Boucicaut, and Lariboisièr during his career.[1]
In 1898 he published a collection of Octave Terrillon's works titled "Oeuvres" (2 volumes). Other written efforts by Chaput include:
Étude expérimentale et clinique sur le mécanisme des fractures de la rotule, 1888 – Experimental and clinical study on fractures of the kneecap mechanism.
Technique et indications des opérations sur l'intestin, l'estomac et les voies biliaires, 1893 – Techniques and indications of operations involving the intestine, stomach and bile ducts.
De l'Abouchement des uretères dans l'intestin, 1894 – Anastomosis of the ureters into the intestine.
Thérapeutique chirurgicale des affections de l'intestin, du rectum et péritoine, 1896 – Surgical therapy for disorders of the intestine, rectum and peritoneum.
Asepsie et antisepsie chirurgicales, 1893 (with Octave Terrillon) – Surgical asepsis and antisepsis.
Les fractures malléolaires du cou-de-pied et les accidents du travail, 1907 – Malleolar fractures of the instep and work-related accidents.[6]