Head & HandsHead & Hands, also known as À Deux Mains, is a nonprofit organization based in Montreal, Quebec. The organization was founded by Mark Early and Pat Crawshaw in 1970 with the goal of creating a safe drop-in space for youth.[1] Though the centre was originally geared towards drug users, Head & Hands has expanded its services and promotes a holistic philosophy to community outreach.[2][3] The centre, currently located in Notre-Dame-de-Grâce, offers counseling, legal services, programs for young parents, sex education, a variety of workshops, and emergency food services.[4] With 12 staff members and 350 volunteers, Head & Hands helps put on numerous events throughout the year, both informational and social events.[5] The centre serviced 6,595 youth in 2014, with more than 24,000 visits in the same year.[6] Head & Hands describes their mission as:
With all of their programs and services, Head & hands applies a critical [social justice] perspective which recognizes the [intersectionality] that is necessary for reaching a diverse group of people.[8] Head & Hands' approach to intersectional practices consists of considering cultural contexts related to power including; race, class, gender, language, sexual orientation, age, ability, as well as other.[9] Head & Hands helps staff and volunteers work through an unlearning process in order for them to better equipped to provide non-judgmental approach to community outreach.[8] As part of their Street Work program, Head & Hands supplies information and materials for safer drug use and safe sex practices while educating youth about the risks of HIV and Hepatitis C.[10] Head & Hands also facilitates the Sense Project, which is a teen-oriented sex-ed program started in 2006, wherein Head & Hands team members facilitate safe-sex and sex-positive workshops in various venues around Montreal.[8] The Sense Project has been extremely successful having between 90-95% of youth involved self-reporting that they had learned something useful.[8] The Sense Project is funded in part by Faggity Ass Friday, a by-donation queer dance party that happens the last Friday of every month.[11] References