The Hager Twins, also known as the Hager Brothers and The Hagers, were a duo of American country music singers and comedians who gained fame on the TV series Hee Haw. They were identical twin brothers James Henry Hager (August 30, 1941 – May 1, 2008) and John William Hager (August 30, 1941 – January 9, 2009).
They first sang in the church choir. As teenagers they sang on a Saturday morning WGN-TV series targeting others in their age group. Both brothers served in the United States Army and performed at officers' and non-commissioned officers' clubs in the United States and Europe.
They first came to national prominence on the CBS television series Hee Haw, on which both were cast members from 1969[1] to 1986.[citation needed] In 1979 they appeared on the nationally-syndicated New Soupy Sales Show, singing "Pizza Man."[2]
The Hager brothers signed with Capitol Records in 1969 and hit the country charts with "Gotta Get To Oklahoma ('Cause California's Gettin' To Me)".[1] They also charted Merle Haggard's "Silver Wings", which was the B-Side of Haggard's "Working Man Blues."[3] In all, they recorded seven albums—three for Capitol, two for Elektra-Asylum, one for Barnaby Records, and one for Book Shop Records.[4]
The brothers were featured in the second preview issue of Playgirl, February 1973.
Their TV appearances also include the original The Bionic Woman, in which Jim and Jon played cloned detectives Verm and Dier in the February 11, 1978, episode "Sanctuary Earth."[citation needed][1]
In 1976, the brothers starred as private detectives opposite Lillian Gish in the TV-movie Twin Detectives.[5] They also appeared in TV commercials and with Florence Henderson in Country Kitchen on TNN.[1]
The Hager Brothers also contributed to numerous charities.[4]
Jim Hager died of an apparent heart attack on May 1, 2008, in Nashville, Tennessee, at age 66.[6] Jon Hager died in his sleep on January 9, 2009, also in Nashville, at age 67.[7]