Genus of flowering plants in the borage family Boraginaceae
Hackelia (stickseeds ) is a genus of plants in the borage family, Boraginaceae . It includes 54 species found in North America, western South America, temperate Eurasia, and Australia.[ 1] 12 species are native to California .[ 2]
The genus was named after Josef Hackel , a Czech botanist . The common name, stickseed, refers to the tendency of the barbed nutlets to stick to animal fur.[ 3]
54 species are currently accepted:[ 1]
Hackelia amethystina J.T.Howell - amethyst stickseed – California
Hackelia andicola (K.Krause) Brand – Peru
Hackelia bella (J.F.Macbr.) I.M.Johnst. - greater showy stickseed – northwestern California and southwestern Oregon
Hackelia besseyi (Rydb.) J.L. Gentry - Bessey's stickseed – Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and Texas
Hackelia bhutanica R.R.Mill – eastern Nepal to northwestern Arunachal Pradesh
Hackelia brachytuba (Diels) I.M.Johnst. – Nepal to central China
Hackelia brevicula (Jeps.) J.L.Gentry - Poison Canyon stickseed – eastern California
Hackelia californica (A.Gray) I.M.Johnst. - California stickseed – northern California and west-central Oregon
Hackelia ciliata (Douglas ex Lehm.) I.M.Johnst. - British Columbia, Idaho, and Washington
Hackelia cinerea (Piper) I.M.Johnst. - gray stickseed – Washington, Idaho, and Montana
Hackelia cronquistii J.L.Gentry - Cronquist's stickseed – Oregon and Idaho
Hackelia cusickii (Piper) Brand - Cusick's stickseed – Oregon, northern California, and northwestern Nevada
Hackelia davisii Cronquist – Idaho
Hackelia deflexa (Wahlenb.) Opiz – northern Eurasia and northern North America
Hackelia difformis (Y.S.Lian & J.Q.Wang) Riedl – south-central China and Tibet
Hackelia diffusa (Douglas ex Lehm.) I.M.Johnst. - Spreading stickseed – British Columbia, Washington, Oregon
Hackelia floribunda (Lehm.) I.M.Johnst. - manyflower stickseed – western and central Canada and United States
Hackelia gracilenta I.M.Johnst. – Colorado
Hackelia heliocarpa (Brand) Brand – Mexico (Chihuahua)
Hackelia hendersonii (Piper) Brand – Washington, Oregon, and Montana
Hackelia hintoniorum (B.L.Turner) Sutorý – Mexico (Oaxaca)
Hackelia hirsuta (Wooton & Standl.) I.M.Johnst. – New Mexico
Hackelia hispida I.M.Johnst. - showy stickseed – Washington, Oregon, Idaho
Hackelia ibapensis L.M.Shultz & J.S.Shultz – Utah
Hackelia latifolia (R.Br.) Dimon & M.A.M.Renner – eastern Australia and Tasmania
Hackelia leonotis I.M.Johnst. – northeastern and central Mexico
Hackelia macrophylla (Brand) I.M.Johnst. – northern Pakistan and western Himalaya
Hackelia meeboldii Brand – western Himalaya
Hackelia mexicana (Schltdl. & Cham.) I.M.Johnst. – Mexico to Venezuela and Peru
Hackelia micrantha (Eastw.) J.L.Gentry - Jessica sticktight – western Canada and United States
Hackelia mundula (Jeps.) Ferris - pink stickseed – southwestern Oregon to central California
Hackelia murgabica Czukav. – Tajikistan
Hackelia nervosa (Kellogg) I.M.Johnst. - Sierra stickseed – California and northwestern Nevada
Hackelia obtusifolia R.R.Mill – Bhutan
Hackelia ophiobia R.L.Carr – southeastern Oregon, southwestern Idaho, and northern Nevada
Hackelia parviflora (K.Krause) Brand – Peru (Junín)
Hackelia patens (Nutt.) I.M.Johnst. - spotted stickseed – west-central United States
Hackelia pinetorum (Greene ex A.Gray) I.M.Johnst. – Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and northern Mexico
Hackelia popovii Czukav. – Tajikistan
Hackelia rattanii (Brand) Brand – Mexico (Baja California)
Hackelia revoluta (Ruiz & Pav.) I.M.Johnst. – Colombia to northwestern Argentina
Hackelia sessilifructa (Y.S.Lian & J.Q.Wang) Ovczinnikova – Xinjiang
Hackelia setosa (Piper) I.M.Johnst. - bristly stickseed – northern California and southwestern Oregon
Hackelia sharsmithii I.M.Johnst. - Sharsmith's stickseed – central California and central Nevada
Hackelia skutchii I.M.Johnst. – Guatemala and Costa Rica
Hackelia stewartii I.M.Johnst. – northern Pakistan and western Himalaya
Hackelia stricta I.M.Johnst. – southwestern Mexico to Veracruz
Hackelia suaveolens (R.Br.) Dimon & M.A.M.Renner – eastern and southern Australia and Tasmania
Hackelia taylorii Harrod, Malmquist & R.L.Carr – Washington
Hackelia uncinata (Royle ex Benth.) C.E.C.Fisch. – northeastern Pakistan to Himalaya and southern China
Hackelia ursina (Greene ex A.Gray) I.M.Johnst. – southeastern Arizona, southwestern New Mexico, and northern Mexico (Sonora)
Hackelia velutina (Piper) I.M.Johnst. - velvet stickseed – north-central and central California and northwestern Nevada
Hackelia venusta (Piper) H.St.John - lesser showy stickseed – central Washington
Hackelia virginiana (L.) I.M.Johnst. - beggar's lice – central and eastern United States and eastern Canada
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