Gyroflexus is a monotypic genus with a yellowish-ivory colored omphalinoid agaric in the Hymenochaetales that grows on living Sphagnum[1][2][3] Phylogenetically related agarics are in the genera Rickenella, Blasiphalia, Loreleia, Cantharellopsis and Contumyces, as well as the stipitate-stereoid genera Muscinupta and Cotylidia and clavaroid genus, Alloclavaria.[4] Gyroflexus brevibasidiatus, the type, amongst the vaguely omphalinoid genera is distinguished by its small, mammiform pileus, growth on Sphagnum, and lack of cystidia.[5] EtymologyThe etymology of the name Gyroflexus is not known. When coined in a prepublication advertisement, it clearly was intended to be applied to several species, although only one, the type was included. References