Grateful DawgGrateful Dawg is a documentary film released in 2000 which chronicles the friendship and musical collaboration of musicians Jerry Garcia and David Grisman. Director and producer Gillian Grisman uses multiple videos, as well as live recordings, to help show this bond between two friends and musicians. It gives a view of Garcia outside the Grateful Dead. SynopsisThe film was directed by David Grisman’s daughter Gillian, with cinematography by Justin Kreutzmann, son of Grateful Dead drummer Bill Kreutzmann.[1] The film details when Grisman and Garcia first met in 1964 at a club in Pennsylvania to see Bill Monroe perform,[2] includes interviews with musicians such as Bela Fleck, Peter Rowan and Ronnie McCoury and many live performances of Grisman and Garcia.[3][4] DVDThe Grateful Dawg DVD has the following chapters:
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