The twenty-fifth series of the British television drama series Grange Hill began broadcasting on 29 January 2002, before ending on 28 March 2002 on BBC One. The series follows the lives of the staff and pupils of the eponymous school, an inner-city Londoncomprehensive school. It consists of eighteen episodes.
Elections are held for the position of editor of the school website. Lisa is attacked and hurt as is Mr. Robson in his efforts to catch the person responsible.
Episode Two
Si Spencer
Dez McCarthy
31 January 2002
Anika becomes editor of the website. Mr. Robson recovers in hospital following the attack. Maddie gets Shona drunk and her dad decides both Shona and Lisa should live with their mother.
Episode Three
Sarah Daniels
Dez McCarthy
5 February 2002
Amy begins to search for her father. Work on the school website gets underway. Lunchtime step aerobics classes begin at the school. Lisa is scared following the attack.
Episode Four
Sarah Daniels
Dez McCarthy
7 February 2002
Amy writes a letter to her long lost father and her mother ends up giving her worrying news. Vikki finishes things with Danny when she finds out he's not going to University.
Episode Five
Tara Byrne
Dominic McDonald
12 February 2002
Amy ends up staying with Anika while her mum is in hospital. Nathan is revealed as having kept a secret from Briony.
Episode Six
Tara Byrne
Dominic MacDonald
14 February 2002
Briony finds out about Nathan's other girlfriend. Maddie is made fun of. Ozzie's new night club impresses Cracker.
Episode Seven
Philip Gerard
Dominic MacDonald
19 February 2002
The "No means No" report is removed from the school website. Calvin and Darren's Deostini card selling days come to an end. Amy finds out that her mum has cancer.
Episode Eight
Philip Gerald
Dominic MacDonald
21 February 2002
Mrs. Holmes' actions cause concern. Danny and Vikki end up being reunited. Cracker decides to quit school and take a job in the new night club.
Episode Nine
Helen Eatock
Brett Fallis
26 February 2002
Mr. Deverill starts a positive discipline regime at the school. Cracker starts working at the club after leaving school. Chris sets Ozzie a challenge to prove his worth at the club.
Episode Ten
Lisselle Kayla
Brett Fallis
28 February 2002
Ray goes to see Lisa. Ian is picked on by Mr. Deverill. Leah admits the truth. Danny and Vikki's celebration is ruined by Ozzie.
Episode Eleven
Rachel Dawson
Brett Fallis
5 March 2002
After Leah and Shannon are involved in a fight they are given a Saturday detention by Mr. Deverill. Miss Fraser reveals to her pupils that she is engaged but her fiancée, Michael Barton is not pleased.
Episode Twelve
Si Spencer
Brett Fallis
7 March 2002
Maddie, Leah, Shannon, Martin and Ian reflect on life during the Saturday detention session. Amy meets Chaz at a record fair and her mother later collapses.
Episode Thirteen
Philip Gladwin
John Dower
12 March 2002
Amy receives some bad news from her mother. Maddie's party doesn't go to plan. Mr. Robson announces to the rest of the staff that he plans to resign.
Episode Fourteen
Philip Gerard
John Dower
14 March 2002
Mr. Deverill hits Ian after he loses his temper. Ozzie attempts to get closer to Vicki. Tom reveals he has been working part time as a model.
Episode Fifteen
Lin Coghlan
John Dower
19 March 2002
The staff go to Miss Fraser's barbecue. Lisa watches Tom as he takes part in a modelling assignment. Amy's mum ends up losing her battle with cancer.
Episode Sixteen
Helen Eatock
John Dower
21 March 2002
Ben and Max discover Mr. Deverill's previous life as Mr. Wilcox. Ozzie ends up winning the bet with Chris. Leah leaves school. Tom's modelling pictures are published.
Episode Seventeen
Sarah Daniels
Mark Sendell
26 March 2002
Maddie ends up making a stand. Ozzy is shown by Chris the counterfeit money he has been laundering. Ian and Ben manage to find the proof they need about Mr. Deverill.
Episode Eighteen
Si Spencer
Mark Sendell
28 March 2002
The truth about Mr. Deverill is exposed. Mr. Robson and Miss Carver hold their wedding reception at the school. A fire has devastating results.
DVD release
The twenty-fifth series of Grange Hill has never been released on DVD as of 2014.