The show follows a group of contestants (known as HouseGuests), who live in a house together while being constantly filmed and having no communication with the outside world as they compete to win a grand prize. Each week, the HouseGuests compete in a Head of Household (HoH) competition which gives them immunity from nominations and the power to save one of the nominees up for eviction.
On eviction night, the audience votes to evict one of the nominees.[2]
The season premiered on 2 December 2024.[3] It is the third continuous season to air on Telefe after making its return to the network in 2022.[4]
The show follows a group of contestants, known as HouseGuests, who live inside a custom-built house outfitted with cameras and microphones recording their every move 24 hours a day.[5] The HouseGuests are sequestered with no contact with the outside world. During their stay, the HouseGuests share their thoughts on their day-to-day lives inside the house in a private room known as the Diary Room. Each week, the HouseGuests compete in competitions to win power and safety inside the house. At the start of each week, the HouseGuests compete in a Head of Household (abbreviated as "HOH") competition. The winner of the HoH competition is immune from eviction and selects another HouseGuest to be saved for eviction. On eviction night, the audience vote to evict one of the nominees, and the nominee with the most votes is evicted from the house.[2]
Format changes and additions
Head of Household Super Powers
Beginning this season, the HouseGuest that wins the HoH competition, gets series of Super Powers to use during the week.[6]
Head(s) of Household
You must ban 4 HouseGuests from nominating.
Delfina, Jenifer, Petrona, Sandra
You must nominate two HouseGuests.
Martina, Renato
You must ban 2 HouseGuests from nominating.
Giuliano, Ulises
Your votes will count as doubled.
You must give immunity to one HouseGuest.
You must nominate two HouseGuests.
Andrea, Santiago
You must nominate two HouseGuests.
Lourdes, Sandra
You must give immunity to one HouseGuest.
You must evict one HouseGuest that is currently nominated. (Note: The HouseGuest that is evicted must decide to either remain evicted or go into hiding and return to the house at the next eviction gala.)
Juan Pablo
You must nominate two HouseGuests.
Sandra, Brian
Choose one HouseGuest to have their votes count as doubled.
Choose one HouseGuest to have only one vote during nominations.
You must nominate two HouseGuests.
Santiago, Brian
Choose three HouseGuests to have the power to nominate three HouseGuests for eviction.
Juan Pablo, Sofía, Ulises
The Voided Votes
From week 2 onwards, the last evicted HouseGuest has the power to void any of the remaining HouseGuests' votes before they nominate in the Nominations Gala.[7]
The Kiosk
This season, Gran Hermano installed a kiosk where HouseGuests can use Golden Tickets to redeem special prizes.
Red Phone
Starting in Week 6, Gran Hermano enabled the red phone. Whoever answered the phone would receive positive or negative information. The HouseGuests must answer the phone without being able to repeat it during the day and if the phone is not answered before five rings the whole house would be punished.[8]
Answered by
You can have a banquet with eight of your fellow HouseGuests or nominate two HouseGuests. (Note: Santiago chose to nominate two HouseGuests.)
Sofía, Chiara
In Week 6, after Andrea walked from the game due to health reasons, it was announced that a repechage would take place among the first seven evictees during Week 7. As Keila was ejected from the game, she was ineligible to take part in the repechage.[9]
A total of 24 HouseGuests moved into the house on Day 1 (2 December 2024), making it the season with the highest number of newcomers that join the house in the first episode.[10] Former evicted HouseGuest Brian Alberto returned to the house on Day 35 (5 January 2025),[11] and on Day 36 (6 Jaunary 2025) it was announced that new HouseGuest Katia Fenocchio would enter the house as a replacement.[12] Another evicted HouseGuest (Jenifer Lauría) returned to on Day 43 (13 January 2025).[13]
After winning the HoH competition on Day 2, Santiago banned Delfina, Jenifer, Petrona and Sandra from nominating this week. On Day 3, Carlos, Delfina, Luciana and Ulises were nominated.
On Day 4, Santiago decided to save Luciana from eviction, and nominated Claudio instead. On Day 8, Carlos and Claudio were saved by the public, and Delfina became the first evicted after facing Ulises.
On Day 10, Sofía won the HoH competition and decided to ban Giuliano and Ulises from nominating, and nominated Martina and Renato for eviction. In the Nomination Gala on Day 11, Luciana, Luz, Santiago and Ulises were also nominated.
Sofía decides to save Luz and put Keila up for eviction on Day 11. During the Eviction Gala on Day 14, Keila, Luciana, Martina and Ulises were saved by the audience with the fewest votes. Renato was faced against Santiago and was finally evicted with a percentage record of 92.3% of negative votes.[19]
On Day 15, Ulises won the HoH competition and was awarded to double his nomination votes, the right to give one HouseGuest immunity from the next eviction, and the right to nominate two HouseGuests' without the possibility of being saved. Renato chose to void Andrea’s votes, Brian was nominated as punishment for opening a kiosk box without permission and Ulises chose to give immunity to Giuliano and nominate Andrea and Santiago up for eviction. On Day 17, Chiara, Jenifer, Luciana, Luz and Sandra were also nominated by the HouseGuests.
On Day 18, Ulises decided to save Sandra and nominate Martina, but it was later nulled as he previously discussed his votes with other HouseGuests. On Day 21, Andrea, Brian, Luciana, Sandra, Santiago and Chiara were saved by the public, and Jenifer was finally evicted after being faced against Luz.
As Luca won the HoH competition on Day 22, he won immunity for the week's eviction. On Day 23, while competing for the weekly budget, all of the HouseGuests chose to abandon it, and were punished by Gran Hermano who decided to modify the eviction gala and eliminate two HouseGuests this week in a positive voting nomination in which all would be up for eviction. Andrea, Brian, Chiara, Lourdes, Luciana, Luz, Petrona, Sandra, Santiago and Ulises were the first HouseGuests to be saved with the most positive votes on Day 25.
The remaining HouseGuests that were not previously saved continued to be up for eviction, with Candela and Ezequiel being evicted on Day 28 after receiving the least amount of votes to be saved.
After winning the HoH competition on Day 29, Giuliano gave immunity to Chiara and nominated Lourdes and Sandra without the possibility of being saved, and Jenifer voided Sandra's votes. On Day 31, Andrea, Brian, Juan Pablo and Luca were nominated.
On Day 32, Gran Hermano decided to eject Keila from the house due to several complains about the production, the house and the format. On the same date, during the debate, Giuliano had to evict one HouseGuest, whom had to choose to either remain evicted or head into hiding and return to the house at the next eviction gala; Giuliano chose Brian to evict. Brian decided to enter hiding and return at the eviction gala on Day 35. Giuliano also saved Juan Pablo from eviction and nominated Petrona. Three days later, Luca was finally evicted by the public vote.
On Day 36, Juan Pablo won the HoH competition and was awarded to nominate two HouseGuests without the possibility of being saved, chose a HouseGuest to double their votes and chose another HouseGuest to only cast one vote during the nominations. Juan Pablo nominated Sandra and Brian, doubled Chiara's votes and allowed Lourdes to only cast one vote. On Day 38, Andrea decided walk from the game due to health reasons. Carlos, Claudio, Lourdes, Martina, Sandra, Santiago and Sofía's votes towards Chiara, Giuliano, Luciana, Petrona and Ulises were voided due to previously discussing nominations. Santiago answered the Red Phone and chose to Sofía and Chiara to face eviction. Giuliano, Lourdes, Luciana, Martina and Sebastián were also nominated.
On Day 39, Juan Pablo's choice of saving Sofía and nominate Santiago was nulled as a punishment for discussing his choices on the previous days. During the eviction gala on Day 42, Sebastián was finally evicted with the least votes as the public were voting to save rather than evict during this week.
HouseGuests nominate for two and one points, shown in descending order in the nomination box. The four or more HouseGuests with the most nomination points face the public vote.
HouseGuests can also use the Diary Room's Special Nomination, which gives three and two points instead.
From week 2 onwards, the last evicted HouseGuest has the power to void any one's nominations before they nominate in the Nominations Gala.
Ulises 41.10% (out of 2) Claudio 21.90% (out of 3) Carlos 11.70% (out of 4)
Santiago 7.70% (out of 2) Ulises 8.30% (out of 3) Martina 3.60% (out of 4) Luciana 3.48% (out of 5) Keila 2.20% (out of 6)
Luz 34.30% (out of 2) Chiara 17.90% (out of 3) Santiago 12.20% (out of 4) Sandra 9.78% (out of 5) Luciana 7.92% (out of 6) Brian 6.40% (out of 7) Andrea 1.26% (out of 8)
Sebastián 63.80% (out of 3) Juan Pablo 38.10% (out of 4) Sofía 33.70% (out of 5) Giuliano 30.20% (out of 6) Keila 31.10% (out of 7) Carlos 20% (out of 8) Claudio 17.60% (out of 9) Martina 22.30% (out of 10) Andrea Brian Chiara Lourdes Luciana Luz Petrona Sandra Santiago Ulises Most votes (out of 20)
Sandra 46.20% (out of 2) Andrea 19.60% (out of 3) Lourdes 12.20% (out of 4) Petrona 5.30% (out of 5)
Sofía 59.40% (out of 2) Martina 47.30% (out of 3) Brian 33.80% (out of 4) Giuliano 29.50% (out of 5) Chiara 28.40% (out of 6) Luciana 25% (out of 7) Sandra 20.10% (out of 8) Lourdes 18.50% (out of 9)
^1 : After becoming the Head of Household, Santiago was able to ban four HouseGuests' ability to nominate, making Delfina, Jenifer, Petrona and Sandra not able to nominate this week.
^2 : After becoming the Head of Household, Sofía was able to ban two HouseGuests' ability to nominate and nominate two HouseGuests' for eviction without the possibility of being saved. She chose to ban Giuliano and Ulises from nominating this week and nominated Martina and Renato for eviction.
^3 : As punishment for announcing his intention to use the Special Nomination Power, Claudio's votes were voided.
^4 : As punishment for discussing nominations, the votes of Chiara, Jenifer, Lourdes, Martina and Renato towards Andrea, Candela and Santiago were voided.
^5 : As punishment for opening a kiosk box without permission, Brian was automatically nominated without the possibility of being saved by the Head of Household.
^6 : After becoming the Head of Household, Ulises votes counted as doubled. He also won the right to give one HouseGuest immunity from the next eviction. He chose Giuliano. And finally he won the right to nominate two HouseGuests' without the possibility of being saved. He chose Andrea and Santiago.
^7 : As punishment for discussing salvation and discussing who he would pick as the replacement nominee, Ulises's choice of saving Sandra was nulled. In addition, his choice of nominating Martina for eviction was also nulled.
^8 : This week, the public were voting to save rather than evict.
^9 : This week there was no nominations. Instead all HouseGuest except Luca who won the HoH competition face the public vote. The HouseGuest with the fewest votes to save would be evicted.
^10 : As punishment for abandoning the weekly shopping task as a group, this week's eviction is now changed to a double eviction.
^11 : After becoming the Head of Household, Giuliano won the right give one HouseGuest immunity from the next eviction. He chose Chiara. He also won the right to nominate two HouseGuests' without the possibility of being saved. He chose Lourdes and Sandra.
^12 : As there was no nominations in Week 4, Jenifer voided Sandra's votes for Week 5.
^13 : This week, Head of Household Giuliano had to evict one HouseGuest. Unbeknownst to him and the other HouseGuests, the evictee had to choose to either remain evicted or head into hiding and return to the House at the next eviction gala. He chose Brian.
^14 : After complaining about the production, the house and the format on multiple occasions, Keila was ejected by Gran Hermano.
^15 : Brian had to chose to remain evicted or head into hiding and return at the eviction gala. Brian chose to enter hiding and return at the eviction gala.
^16 : This week, Head of Household Juan Pablo won the right to nominate two HouseGuests' without the possibility of being saved. He chose Sandra and Brian. He also chose Chiara to have their votes double during nominations. Finally, he chose Lourdes to only cast one vote during the nominations.
^17 : During Nominations, Andrea decided walk from the game due to health reasons.
^18 : As punishment for discussing nominations, Andrea, Carlos, Claudio, Lourdes, Martina, Sandra, Santiago and Sofía's votes towards Chiara, Giuliano, Luciana, Petrona and Ulises were voided.
^19 : Santiago answered the red phone, and had to choose to have a banquet for eight or nominate two HouseGuests. Santiago chose to nominate two HouseGuests and chose Sofía and Chiara to face eviction.
^20 : As punishment for discussing salvation and discussing who he would pick as the replacement nominee, Juan Pablo's choice of saving Sofía was nulled. In addition, his choice of nominating Santiago for eviction was also nulled.
^21 : Due to Andrea's medical withdraw, a repechage took place among the previous evictees. As Keila was ejected from the game, she was ineligible to take part in the repechage. Jenifer received the most votes and therefore returned to the house.
^22 : This week, Head of Household Giuliano won the right to nominate two HouseGuests' without the possibility of being saved. He chose Santiago and Brian. He also chose three HouseGuests' to have the power to nominate three HouseGuests' instead of two. He chose Juan Pablo, Sofía, and Ulises.
Gran Hermano is co-produced by production companies Kuarzo Entertainment Argentina and Banijay. The season was first confirmed on 3 July 2024. Host Santiago del Moro was also confirmed to return for the season. Casting for the season started on the same day of the announcement with open-call auditions held for people from up 18 years old. Applicants had to upload a presentation video and show their social networks.[2]
Production design
The house is located in Martínez, Buenos Aires.[29] As with previous seasons, the house is outfitted with 65 cameras and 87 microphones.[2] With over 2,500 square metres, it would become the biggest house ever of Gran Hermano Argentina, including 1,200 m2 indoors, 400 m2 outdoors, a supermarket, and the "arena" in which the HouseGuests are expected to compete for games and challenges.[30]
The premiere of the twelfth season of Gran Hermano was broadcast on Telefe on 2 December 2024. The telecast received a 17.5 rating.[31]
The season airs from Sundays through Thursdays on Telefe, with nomination galas on Wednesdays, eviction galas on Sundays, debates on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, and a special edition called Night with the Exes (La Noche de los Ex in Spanish) hosted by Roberto Funes Ugarte, with former HouseGuests from previous seasons on Fridays. The debates are joined by panelists Laura Ubfal, Gastón Trezeguet, Sol Pérez, Eliana Guercio and Ceferino Reato, Costa, Pilar Smith and newcomer Marina Calabró.[32]
Internationally, the season airs in simulcast in Uruguay on Canal 10.[33]
Streaming services
DirecTV's video streaming serviceDGO was chosen to offer a 24-hour live feed of the house. Telefe airs in simulcast the season via YouTube and Twitch, hosted by Lucila Villar, Juan Ignacio Castañares and Diego Poggi.[34]