^McGrath 1997, pp. 292–293. "Henry Ingoldsby, governor of Limerick (1653–1659)"
^Gibney 2009, paragraph 2. "As governor of Limerick during the anti-catholic scares caused by the ‘popish plot’ of 1678, King took an active and assiduous role in improving fortifications and pursuing suspects, often in association with Orrery."
^Clark 1921, p. 75, line 8. "... he [Antoine Hamilton] was, however, appointed Governor of Limerick in 1685, in place of the Protestant Governor, Sir William King, who was deposed, and his company quartered in Limerick."
^London Gazette 1794. "... to appoint Major General Gerard Lake to be Governor of Limerick, in the room of Sir Henry Clinton, K.B . Dated July 10, 1794"