Goodies and Politics
"Goodies and Politics" is the first episode of the eighth series of the British television comedy series The Goodies. The 64th episode of the show overall, it was first broadcast at 8.10pm on BBC2. This episode is also known as "Politics" and "Timita".[citation needed] Written by The Goodies, with songs and music by Bill Oddie. PlotThe British prime minister has discovered a loophole in tax laws and retired to the Bahamas. Her government and the opposition members of parliament give themselves a massive pay rise and join her, leaving Britain without a government. The Queen telephones the Goodies and requests their assistance in finding a new leader for the country. In a parody of Evita, Tim and Bill stand for election - Tim as "Timita" and Bill as "Che". The election is tied at one vote each, as the televised campaign period was so exciting that no one bothered to vote, apart from the two candidates. Timita and Che form a coalition government, which ends up involved in absurd game show antics devised by Graeme. The episode ends with the news that Margaret Thatcher will return to Britain. Cultural references
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