Good Morning, Mickey! is an American animated television series produced by Walt Disney Productions. It was first aired on April 18, 1983 when Disney Channel was launched.[1] It was one of the Disney Channel's first original programs, and the first program to air at the channel's launch.[2] It featured Disney animated shorts.[2] Although Mickey Mouse shorts were the primary programming, additional cartoons featuring Goofy, Donald Duck, Chip 'n' Dale, Pluto, and others were also shown.[2] Its time-slot for its early run was at 7 a.m. Eastern/Pacific Time, making it the first program of The Disney Channel's 16 (later 18) hour programming day.[2] Later on, its time-slot was changed to 7:30 a.m. ET/PT, making it the second program of the channel's programming day. A similar show that premiered later on The Disney Channel was Donald Duck Presents. Good Morning, Mickey! was replaced by Mickey's Mouse Tracks in 1992.[3][4]