Golf (TV series)
Golf is an upcoming comedy series created by Will Ferrell, Ramy Youssef, and Josh Rabinowitz, and stars Ferrell and Youssef. The series will premiere on Netflix. CastProductionOn April 19, 2023, it was announced that a comedy series about "a professional golfer who becomes the face of a controversial new league competing with the PGA Tour" starring Will Ferrell, was in development at Ferrell and Jessica Elbaum's Gloria Sanchez Productions and Rian Johnson and Ram Bergman's T-Street Productions.[1][2] On May 15, 2024, the series was given the title Golf, and it was announced that the series was co-created by Ferrell, Ramy Youssef, and Josh Rabinowitz, and will star Ferrell and Youssef.[3][4] The series will be executive produced by Will Ferrell, Jessica Elbaum, and Alix Taylor through Gloria Sanchez Productions, Rian Johnson, Ram Bergman, and Nena Rodrigue through T-Street Productions, Ramy Youssef and Andy Campagna for Cairo Cowboy, and Josh Rabinowitz.[1][3] References
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