Going Equipped (film)
Going Equipped is an animated short film created by Aardman Animations. It was directed by Peter Lord. ProductionThe short was commissioned by Channel 4 as part of a five-part series of Aardman animations called "Lip Synch". The five films in the series were Creature Comforts (1989), Going Equipped (1990), Ident (1990), Next (1989) and War Story (1989).[1] PlotImdb explains: "A young man in prison is interviewed and talks about his life, how he got into prison, and what it's like doing time."[2] Cast
Critical receptionGoing Equipped received a rating of 6.3/10 from 69 users.[2] The One-Line Review "Highly Recommended" the short, and said it "proves to be a melancholy minor-masterpiece and one of Aardman Animations best works."[3] Animator Mag said "Peter [Lord]’s contribution was a view of life in and out of prison seen through the eyes of a young offender. It is based on a real-life taped interview. The animation is smooth and realistic although watching a plasticine figure acting in a realistic way makes the words even more poignant than if the actual person had been filmed."[4] References