The second season of George of the Jungle, an animated television series for children aged 6 to 12 years, was co-produced in 2015 by Singapore-based August Media Holdings and Yowza Digital of Canada. The revival series is based on the original animated series produced in 1967 by Jay Ward and Bill Scott and later remade by Teletoon in 2007.
This revival series takes a new look at George. The show has been redesigned and redeveloped by producer Jyotirmoy Saha of August Media Holdings.[1][2][3]
As of April 2016, 52 episodes of George of The Jungle 2015 TV series have been produced and they have been sold in over 160 countries.
Like any proper jungle king, George is strong. George is pure of heart and George is well not very bright. George is a big-hearted jungle king who throws himself into his job like any teenage boy would – with boundless enthusiasm and reckless abandon.
George lives in a jungle filled with lions, anacondas, swarms of giant bees, skat-talking man eating plants and more. To top it all, there’s a whole array of evil villains gunning for George and his beloved wilderness. From the great hunters Tiger Titherage and Weevil Plumtree, who love nothing more than to mount George above their fireplace, to Dr. Chicago, a dentist-turned-even-more-evil-dentist to Edward Madmun, an English aristocrat who loves fiendish schemes almost as much as high tea!
Riding herd over the craziest jungle on the planet means the insanity comes fast and furious. Thank the jungle spirits he has a few friends who can help him in his twisted adventures like George’s best buddy Ape, science-obsessed Magnolia, headstrong huckster Ursula, Howie the Howler Monkey, the bird-brained Tookie-Tookie Bird, and George’s overworked pachyderm, Shep. George’s screwball logic and ill-conceived plans lead him and his pals into ridiculous situations and crazy detours that drive everyone in the animal kingdom bananas. But in the end, George always rises above the mayhem and saves the day with bizarre George logic that twists expectations and delights audiences.
Ape must fight his brother Ted for their deceased uncle's silverback, which was recovered from a "Rhino Flood" accident. Note: New episodes are storyboarded by Tom Root and Casey Burke Léonard.
"Of Botflies and Men"
Richard Elliott and Simon Racioppa
September 10, 2016 (2016-09-10)
After eating a botfly, George loses his feelings. Note: The name of this episode is a reference to the novella Of Mice and Men.
"The Insider"
Richard Elliott and Simon Racioppa
September 17, 2016 (2016-09-17)
After eating some outdated mayonnaise, George deals with a parasitic worm in his body.
Absent: Ursula (who was called Magnolia in Season 1)
"Clockwork George"
Richard Elliott and Simon Racioppa
September 17, 2016 (2016-09-17)
Note: The name of this episode is a reference to the novel A Clockwork Orange.