Hegel is cited—unless otherwise specified—on the basis of his output according w Eva Moldenhauer and Karl Markus Michel, Frankfurt a. M.: Suhrkamp, 1979. Prior to 1979, see below. Additions such as "A" or "B" refer to annotations added to the original text.
Band or the abbreviation Bd. is the German word meaning the volume number of the work.
The "1817 Encyclopaedia" contained only outline notes for students, called Zusatz ("addition"). They are often combined with the three books of Hegel's later work called "System der Philosophie I, II, III," the combinations being called the Encyclopaedia I, II and III.
Werke in 20 Bänden (complete works in 20 volumes), eds., E. Moldenhauer and K. M. Michel (Suhrkamp, 1969–1971).
This includes the Encyclopaedia Logic, Philosophy of Nature and Philosophy of Mind
Encyclopaedia Logic (also known as Shorter Logic) (Heidelberg, 1817, rev. Berlin 1827, 1830), tr. T.F. Geraets et al. 1991 pb,
or in a much worse translation, as Hegel's Logic or The Logic of Hegel, tr. W. Wallace 1873, reprinted 1975,
Available online: German text, Wallace translation
Encyclopaedia Philosophy of Nature (Heidelberg, 1817, rev. Berlin, 1827, 1830)
as The Philosophy of Nature, tr. A.V. Miller 1970,
In a better translation with a plethora of explanatory notes, in 3 volumes, tr. M.J. Petry 1970
Available online: German text, Taubeneck translation of 1817 edition
Encyclopaedia Philosophy of Spirit (Heidelberg, 1817, rev. Berlin, 1827, 1830)
as Hegel's Philosophy of Mind, tr. W. Wallace 1894, republished with additions, tr. A.V. Miller 1971 pb.
With the German on opposite pages and an 1825 set of students lecture notes as an appendix, as Hegel's Philosophy of Subjective Spirit, 3 volumes, tr. M.J. Petry 1978.
Petry republished the section on Phenomenology, with the 1825 lecture notes interpolated between the paragraphs of Hegel's text instead of the usual additions, as The Berlin Phenomenology 1981
Available online: German text, Wallace translation
Lectures on Natural Right and Political Science (Heidelberg, 1817–18), tr. J.M. Stewart and P.C. Hodgson 1995
The Philosophy of History, tr. J. Sibree 1858, revised 1899, reprinted 1956 pb.
The introduction is published separately, in much better translations than Sibree's,
Reason in History, tr. R.S. Hartman 1953,
Introduction to the Philosophy of History, tr. L. Rauch 1988 pb;
Lectures on the Philosophy of World History, Introduction: Reason in History, tr. H.B. Nisbet 1975 pb. More complete version of introduction. Available online: Sibree translation of introduction.
A new translation is now available: Lectures on the Philosophy of History, trans. Ruben Alvarado.[1]
A more accurate version of volume 3 is published as Lectures on the History of Philosophy: The Lectures of 1825-26.
Volume 3: Medieval and Modern Philosophy, tr. R. F. Brown and J. M. Stewart 1990.
The various introductions are translated separately as Introduction to the Lectures on the History of Philosophy, tr. T.M. Knox and A.V. Miller 1985 pb.
Available online: Haldane and Simson translation (selections)
Hegel: The Letters, tr. C. Butler and C. Seiler 1984
Oldest Systematic Program of German Idealism. Scholars claimed the author is Hegel. The manuscript is clearly handwritten by Hegel around 1796. Some scholars have dated earlier or later by a few years. The actual text is about 700 words; not dated nor signed. Note: authorship of this text is highly debated. The text is include in the published collected writings of Hegel, Schelling, and F. Hölderlin. In German, see Frank-Peter Hansen. Das älteste Systemprogramm des deutschen Idealismus. Rezeptionsgeschichte und Interpretation. 1989, 2014. ISBN978-3110118094. Berlin New York: Walter de Gruyter. Pages 1–514. In English, see Oldest Systematic Program of German Idealism: Translation and Notes by Daniel Fidel Ferrer. 2021. Pages 1–123. A very detailed discussion and analysis of the handwritten manuscript, see Das Älteste Systemprogramm des deutschen Idealismus - neue Transkription by Christoph v. Wolzogen.
Political Writings, edited by Laurence Dickey, Professor of History, University of Wisconsin-Madison and H B Nisbet, Professor of Modern Languages, University of Cambridge, and Fellow of Sidney Sussex College. Translated: by H B Nisbet, Cambridge University Press.[2]
The German Constitution (Die Verfassung Deutschlands)[3]
Translations of minor works
Jena period
Two fragments of 1797 on love (1797), Clio8 (2), 1979
Two fragments on the ideal of social life (1799–1800), Clio10 (4), 1981
The relationship of skepticism to philosophy (1801), in G. di Giovanni and H.S. Harris, tr. Between Kant and Hegel: Texts in the Development of Post-Kantian Idealism, 1985
On the nature of philosophical critique (1802), partly translated in M.N. Forster, Hegel's Idea of a Phenomenology of Spirit, 1998, pp. 605–607
Aphorisms from the wastebook (1803–1806), Independent Journal of Philosophy3, 1979
Who thinks abstractly? (1807–1808), in Walter Kaufmann's Hegel: Reinterpretation, Texts and Commentary, pp. 461–465. Available online: German text, English text
Berlin period
Reason and religious truth (1821), foreword to H. Hinrich's Religion in its Inner Relation to Science, in F. Weiss (ed.) Beyond Epistemology: New Studies in the Philosophy of Hegel, pp. 227–244. Available online: German text
Miscellaneous Writings of G.W.F. Hegel, (ed.) J. Stewart (2000)
Untranslated or only recently translated
A number of student lecture notes from Hegel's classes remain untranslated:
VPR: Vorlesungen über Rechtsphilosophie (Lectures on the Philosophy of Right) Edited by K.-H. Ilting. Stuttgart: Frommann Verlag, 1974. 4 volumes; cited by volume and page number.
VPR17: Die Philosophie des Rechts: Die Mitschriften Wannenmann (Heidelberg 1817–1818) und Homeyer (Berlin 1818–1819). Edited by K.-H. Ilting. Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta Verlag, 1983.
VPR19: Philosophie des Rechts: Die Vorlesung von 1819/1820. Edited by Dieter Henrich. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp Verlag, 1983.
Carovés Hegel-Mitschriften (Heidelberg 1816-1818). Planned edition by Klaus Vieweg, Christian Illies and Marko Fuchs.[1]