Geechee (film)
Geechee is an upcoming American supernatural thriller film written and directed by DuBois Ashong. The film will star Andrea Riseborough, with Jamie Foxx serving as a producer. Filming began in August 2020, but was halted in September when a crew member got injured after the crew's convoy was fired upon several times by Dominican police due to a mistaken identity. Cast
ProductionIn November 2019, it was announced Andrea Riseborough had joined the cast of the film, with DuBois Ahsong directing from a screenplay he wrote.[1] In August 2020, Andrea Riseborough, Amin Joseph, Ebon Moss-Bachrach, Antoinette Crowe-Legacy, Gavin Warren, Victoria Hill, Starletta DuPois and Judith Scott joined the cast of the film, with Jamie Foxx serving as a producer.[2] FilmingPrincipal photography began in the Dominican Republic in August 2020.[3] Production was initially set to begin in March 2020, but was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.[4] In September, production was halted indefinitely when a crew member got injured after the crew's convoy was fired upon several times by Dominican police. Apparently, the incident took place due to a case of mistaken identity.[5] References