Gamma Productions
Gamma Productions, or officially Producciones Animades Gamma SA, was a Mexican animation studio founded in 1957 as Val-Mar Productions by Gustavo Valdez and Jesus Martinez Gracia. It is notable as being one of the first animation studios in Mexico to accept work from American production companies.[1] OutputThe studio would not begin production work until March 1959, when it entered into a contract with Producers Associates of TV (also known as PAT). As a part of this contract, Gamma Productions would begin work on Rocky and His Friends, as well as many other Jay Ward Productions titles. This was also when the studio changed its name from Val-Mar Productions to Gamma Productions.[1][2] While Ward and his associates complained regularly about the quality of work produced by Gamma Productions,[1][2][3][4] the studio continued to produce animated series from not only Jay Ward Productions, but also Total Television. This work would continue until the studio's unexpected closure in 1967.[1] Animated programsGamma Productions worked on many notable series for both Jay Ward Productions and Total Television; their portfolio includes: