Geronimo III sends Shinosuke across the ocean to Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan, on a quest to find a girl named Imoko. Shinosuke stirs up commotion in the shopping district with his eccentric, misplaced cowboy attitude as he disrupts the town with his lasso. On his adventure, he meets the girls of Angel Heart.
Naohito Fujiki as Shinosuke Kitajima (北島進之助, Kitajima Shinosuke), cowboy, 33 years old
Members of Angel Heart
Erika Toda as Saki (サキ), member of Angel Heart's white group, 16 years old
Emi Suzuki as Remi (レミ), leader of Angel Heart, 18 years old
Mari Yaguchi as Yurika (ユリカ), member of Angel Heart's black group, 23 years old, posing as 16
Yui Aragaki as Nagisa (ナギサ) leader of Angel Heart's black group, 18 years old
Mayuko Iwasa as Rika (リカ), candidate to be the next leader of Angel Heart, 17 years old
Aimi Satsukawa as Shizuka (シズカ), member of Angel Heart's white group, 16 years old
Natsuko as Sumire (スミレ), member of Angel Heart's white group, 16 years old
Characters in America
Arata Furuta as Geronimo III, a perplexing Native American, 40 years old