G20 is an upcoming American action thriller film directed by Patricia Riggen and written by Caitlin Parrish, Erica Weiss, Logan and Noah Miller. The film is scheduled to be released in the United States on April 10, 2025.
U.S. President Taylor Sutton must defend her family, fellow leaders and the world when the G20 summit in Cape Town, South Africa is taken over by terrorists.[1]
It was announced in November 2022 that Viola Davis was set to star in and produce the film, with Patricia Riggen set to direct.[2] Production was impacted in July 2023 as a result of the 2023 SAG-AFTRA strike. The film had been granted an interim agreement though the production was not set to commence filming despite this,[3] and Davis announcing the following day she would not film until the conclusion of the strike.[4]