The Fukuhaku-kai is one of the five independent designated yakuza syndicates based in Fukuoka Prefecture, along with the Kudo-kai, the Taishu-kai, the Dojin-kai and the Kyushu Seido-kai.[4] These northern-Kyushu based organizations, excluding the Kyushu Seido-kai, have formed an anti-Yamaguchi-gumi fraternal federation known as the Yonsha-kai. The Fukuhaku-kai has never been a member of this federation,[5] however has caused at least one conflict with the Yamaguchi-gumi, which involved firearms, in 2004.[6]
The Fukuhaku-kai has been in conflict with four different Yamaguchi-affiliates over the concessions of Nakasu, the largest red-light district in Kyushu, and also with the Dojin-kai and Kudo-kai over their attempts to enter the same territory.[7]