In 1964, he was named co-holder of the organ of the Saint-Séverin in Paris, a position he held for twenty years, and of which he remains an honorary member. He was a member of the two organ commissions (classified, unclassified) of the Ministry of Culture. He is also honorary organist of San Giovanni dei Fiorentini in Rome.
Francis Chapelet is known to be one of the specialists of Spanish organ and has directed the International Academy of Iberian Organ of Castile. He is also a corresponding member of the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando in Madrid.
Honours: Chevalier of the Ordre National du Mérite, Officier of the Ordre des Arts et des Lettres.
Series "Orgues Historiques": Covarrubias, ref HMO n°7 Improvisations and Correa de Arauxo, Cabanilles...
Series "Orgues Historiques": Salamanque, ref n°10 Improvisations
Series "Orgues Historiques": Frederiksborg - Sweelink and improvisations, ref HM n°16
Series "Orgues Historiques": Tolède - Improvisations, ref HM 4519.1.24
Series "Orgues Historiques": Ciudad Rodrigo - Cabezon, Anonymes, Correa de Arauxo, Narvaez, Santa Maria..., ref HM n°14