Fox (TV series)
Fox was a British television drama series produced by Euston Films and Thames Television for the ITV network in 1980. Consisting of thirteen episodes, it recounted the lives of the titular Fox family, who lived in Clapham in South London and had gangland connections. It was notable in that it was an early work that featured the criminal as the protagonist.[1] The series was written by Trevor Preston, for which he received the 1981 Bafta Television Writers' Award. It was produced by Verity Lambert and directed by Jim Goddard. Goddard noted that a dominant theme of the show was loyalty.[1] The show aired on Monday nights, but received fewer viewers than BBC's Yes Minister.[2] Plot summaryBilly Fox is outwardly a retired Covent Garden market porter,[3] but is involved in crime in London's East End.[4] CastThe Fox family
List of episodes
External links