Finders Keepers (1981 game show)
Finders Keepers is a British children's game show television series that aired on BBC1 from 13 February 1981 to 1 March 1985, hosted by Richard Stilgoe. FormatThe show combined a quiz element with a computerised version of the game Battleships. Two teams of three primary school-aged pupils would compete against each other.[1] On scoring a "hit" at the Battleships game, the team had to answer a question to gain the associated points.[1] ThemeThe show was notable for host Richard Stilgoe playing the theme on a synthesiser live in the studio at the beginning,[2] as well as the use of the phonetic alphabet to indicate the square on the battleship grid.[2] Transmissions
The series was a victim of the BBC's wiping of their children's programming in the 1990s. 28 out of 42 episodes survive in the BBC archives. The surviving episodes are:[13] Series 1: Episodes 1 and 4; Series 2: Episodes 1–2 and 4; Series 3: Episodes 1 and 4–6; Series 4: Episodes 1–6, 8 and 10–12. Series 5 exists in its entirety References
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