The story revolves around Jane, an obsessed teenage girl (Charlie Dizon) who spent an unforgettable night with her idol, Paulo Avelino (as a fictional version of himself).[2][4]
Fan Girl was released to a wider audience on December 25, 2020, as one of the official entries of the Philippine-based 2020 Metro Manila Film Festival. As part of the film festival which was modified as a digital event due to COVID-19 pandemic measures forcing the temporary closure of cinemas, Fan Girl was made available for online streaming via Upstream.[9][10]
Fan Girl won major recognition at the 2020 Metro Manila Film Festival Awards Night including the Best Picture award. Leads Paulo Avelino and Charlie Dizon were given the Best Actor and Best Actress awards, respectively. Antoinette Jadaone was also recognized as Best Director.[11] A scene involving Avelino exhibiting improvised frontal nudity also received significant reception in social media.[12]