Cacciatori was board member of Retroporto Alessandria S.p.A. (2009–2011), President of Bitronvideo s.r.l. (2005–2011), board member of De Tomaso (2010),[8][9] President of Finpiemonte Partecipazioni S.p.A. (2009–2010),[10][11][12][13] Board Member of Film Investment Piedmont Ltd (2009–2010), Founder and CEO of 4Talent Human Capital Services (3 different companies Click4Talent, Bancalavoro, Cliccalavoro, with different targets and specializations)[14][15][16] (2000–2009), Founder and board member of EuroPMI (2002-2004), and after other experiences in the fashion industries CEO of Versace S.p.A. (2003)[17][8] until he left following disputes with the Versace family,[18][19][20] and Senior Consultant at Arthur Andersen & Co (1986–1989).
From 2009 until 2013, he was Coordinator of the Innovation Center for Digital Creativity and Multimedia Hub [29] in Turin, with the aim of supporting local businesses in the development and implementation of technological and digital activities.[30]
Winner of the competition for the award of a scholarship from the National Research Council (CNR) - "Analisi delle proiezioni di sviluppo economico in funzione dell'innovazione tecnologica"
Written works
Cacciatori Fabio Massimo, Sergio Iannazzo, "Finanza e Web", Analisi finanziaria, (2), 2000, pp. 122–129.
G. Fornengo, R. Lanzetti, L. Parodi, S. Rolfo, "Industria e innovazione l'area dell'automazione industriale", 1987, Torino, IRES, p. 133 - Riferimento dati ed elaborazioni informatiche: F. M. Cacciatori, L. Marengo.
Articles : "The prospects of Artificial Intelligence" in the Journal Interface n. 29, "The structure of expert systems" on Interface n. 31/32, "Job scheduling: overview of the main expert systems" on Interface n. 41.
Investigation on the potential of the production management systems - Reseau Milan (1987)
Studies: "Pianura meccatronica a Torino: da concentrazione a sistema" (1987) and "Competitività e innovazione" - for CERIS/CNR and IRES
Sector and market analysis in the field of industrial automation - for Databank and Teknibank (1986-1987)
Study: "Flussi di importazione nell'area piemontese", with Prof. Gian Maria Gros-Pietro for Tecnocity/Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli (1986)
Contribution to the analysis of the agro-food sector, CERIS-CNR Bulletin n. 19