Statements, speeches and archival materials of Federal Reserve policymakers
Government data publications
Statistical releases
Congressional hearings
Reports by various organizations
2016 additions
FRASER in 2016 added:
1. The Commercial and Financial Chronical (over 2000 issues in 68 volumes, mostly from 1871-1935).
2.The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Financial Crisis Timeline and its original supporting documents, which includes a comprehensive collection of documents from the 2007-09 financial crisis.
3. The Robert Owen papers. OKlahoma's Senator Owen served from 1907-25, and was a co-sponsor of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.
4. Publications and speeches from several Federal Reserve Banks.
5. FRASER also debuted a new "African Americans in the Economy" theme, featuring materials from the Department of Labor's Division of Negro Economics (1917-25).