The film follows Ben, a hitman on his last job who is forced to partner with the young and psychotic Morris on the road to his three targets.
A syndicate gun for hire is assigned one last job before retirement. His partner on the job turns out to be a sadistic, trigger-happy young man who is willing to do whatever it takes to make a name for himself within the syndicate.
Actor Alvin Anson first revealed plans for a thriller film called Expressway on September 26, 2015, stating that shooting will start in October.[4]
In January 2016, filmmaker Brillante Mendoza stated that the film was included as an entry to the 2nd Sinag Maynila Film Festival, of which he co-founded with Solar Entertainment Corporation head Wilson Tieng.[5][6]
Elizabeth Kerr of The Hollywood Reporter gave the film a mixed review, stating that the film is "a by-the-numbers noir thriller.... [T]he film could have used a more vivid sense of place. When the inevitable conclusion rolls around, it doesn't pack a wallop so much as a knowing shrug."[2]