Ewha Girls' High School originates from the Ewha Hakdang mission school for girls founded on May 31, 1886, by Mary F. Scranton.[4] The school expanded to offer college-level courses, with the college section eventually separating to become Ewha Womans University. The construction of a dormitory for staff and students was completed in 1900. The current principal Kim Hye-jeong was appointed in February 2017 as the school's 15th principal.[5]
Co-curricular activities
At Ewha Girls' High School, every student has to join a club as part of their co-curricular activities. Ewha Girls' High School has 34 clubs which can be classified into five categories — academics, performance, service, media/debate, arts/physical education.[6]
But in 2021 Oak, ODIN and ATOM are combined one debate club named "EBATE"
Arts/Physical Education
Literary creating
Manga drawing
Art Factory
Creative art
User-created content
The following is a list of principals of Ewha Girls' High School. The first six leaders were principles and are also counted as the first six presidents of Ewha Womans University.