Eurytides philolaus f. vazquezae Beutelspacher, 1976
Papilio xanticles Bates, 1863
Papilio plaesiolaus Staudinger, 1884
Papilio xanticles var. phileonra Haase, 1892
Papilio xanticles f. scheba Rothschild & Jordan, 1906
Eurytides xanticles
Neographium xanticles
Eurytides philolaus, the dark zebra swallowtail or dark kite-swallowtail, is a butterfly of the family Papilionidae. It is found from southern Texas to northern South America.[2]
"Antenna black; the 7. pale green band of the forewing only represented by a spot; hindwing with 2 red spots posteriorly; on the under surface the red line of the hindwing edged with black at both sides, undulate anteriorly. Scent-scales of the male short, broad, irregular, produced in a number of filaments. The female is in 2 forms: female f. philolaus Boisd. similar to the male, the underside paler, female f. niger Eimer (nigrescens Eimer; felicis Fruhst.) the pale green bands of the membrane of the wings scaled with black, the wings therefore black with slight traces of the bands."[3]
The butterfly is found in low situations, often resting in crowds on the sand at the edge of rivers. The larvae feed on Annonaceae species.
There are two recognised subspecies:
Eurytides philolaus philolaus (Mexico, Honduras, Costa Rica, southern Texas) [4]
Edwin Möhn, 2002 Schmetterlinge der Erde, Butterflies of the world Part XIIII (14), Papilionidae VIII: Baronia, Euryades, Protographium, Neographium, Eurytides. Edited by Erich Bauer and Thomas Frankenbach Keltern: Goecke & Evers; Canterbury: Hillside Books. ISBN978-3-931374-87-7 All species and subspecies are included, also most of the forms. Several females are shown the first time in colour.