Etakkama, as a common name, but also, Aitukama, Atak(k)ama, Etak(k)ama, and Itak(k)ama is the name for the 'mayor' (king) of Qidšu, (Kadesh) of the 1350–1335 BC Amarna letters correspondence. (Qidšu is also referenced as: Qinšu, also Kissa). Etakkama is referenced in 11 of the 382 EA letters, (EA for 'el Amarna'), and especially, a series of 4 identical letters concerning: Amqu, the region of the Beqaa in Lebanon. Those 4 letters concern the intrigues of city/city-state takeovers, along with troops from Hatti, and the claim of: Etakkama's troops from 'Kinsa' -(Qidšu-Kissa)-Kadesh) and are titled: "A joint report on Amqu (1-4)". ReignHis title was not necessary "king" (LUGAL "great man"), but "Man of Kadesh" (LU "man"). In earlier times, Kadesh had been part of the Kingdom of Qatna. Prior to 1350 BC, this region had been under the influence of Tushratta of Mitanni. However, in 1350 BC, Suppiluliuma I of Hatti attacked Mitanni and later waged war on the western side of the Euphrates. Initially, Etakkama and his father had gone out to fight Suppiluliuma I, but were defeated and taken to Hatti. Etakkama then returned as a vassal of Suppiluliuma I ruling Kadesh and lanching attacks on other former Mitanni vassals who did not subjugate themselves to the Hittites. In addition, a diplomatic game was played with Tutankhamen of Egypt to keep the Egyptians confused and out of the war. Letter no. 189, title: "Etakkama of Qadesh"Etakkama was the author of one letter, EA 189.
Besides claiming his loyalty to Pharaoh, Etakkama is revealing how Biryawaza, the King of Dimašqu, (Damascus) is really the problem in Upu, the region surrounding Damascus. The 'Amqu region' is the Beqaa Valley area to the northeast (of Damascus), in Lebanon. Aitakama or in other spellings: Aitaqama, Itakama, Itaqama, Etakkama, Etakama, Aitagama ( Hittite A-i-tag-ga-ma ), son of Shutatarra , was king of Kadesh from about 1355 BC to 1312 BC . He was initially considered a loyal ally of Egypt , before he joined the Hittites in an alliance under Aziru . Later, Aitakama openly opposed Šuppiluliuma I , who then took him prisoner to Hatti . After Aitakama had to confess to supporting Hatti, he was reinstated as king in Kadesh by Šuppiluliuma I. In the Amarna letters, Akhenaten describes him as a traitor, partisan and enemy of Egypt , with whom one would not sit at the same table . Revolt against Mursili IIIn 1312 BC, he led a revolt against Hatti in the 10th year of the reign of Murshili II , but was murdered during the siege of Kadesh by the Hittites by his son Niqmaddu , who then assumed the kingship. See also