Escuela Dante Alighieri (Italian: Scuola "Dante Alighieri") is a private Italian international school in Córdoba, Argentina.[1] It serves jardín (escuela materna), primaria (primary school) through secondaria di II grado (upper secondary school).[2] It was established in 1961.[3]
^"ContáctenosArchived 21 November 2015 at the Wayback Machine." Escuela Dante Alighieri. Retrieved on 21 November 2015. "José Javier Díaz 481, C.P. X5016BHE – Córdoba – República Argentina. "
All schools are located within the city of Buenos Aires unless noted; Schools marked with asterisks (*) do not appear on the ZfAlist of German schools.
Schools with "statale" in their name are owned and operated by the Italian government. Others are private schools. Schools with asterisks (*) are not recognised by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs as Italian schools.