Alexander Duszat (born 2 April 1971), known professionally as Elton, is a German television presenter and comedian who gained recognition as Stefan Raab's sidekick in the long-running late-night comedy show TV total.
Early life
Elton was born on 2 April 1971 in West Berlin, but grew up and went to school in Jork near Hamburg. He finished his traineeship as a television and radio technician.
Later,[when?] he hosted several shows for the local television channel Hamburg 1, where he first appeared under the nickname Elton, which was given to him due to a reportedly similar appearance to Elton John.
In February 2001, he was hired by the popular German entertainer Stefan Raab as an intern and sidekick for his late-night comedy show TV total on ProSieben. In December 2001, Elton started to host his own show,, which was produced by Raab's company Raab TV and canceled in March 2003. Along with Sonya Kraus, Elton also hosted the reality showsDie Alm in July 2004 and Die Burg in January 2005.
When Stefan Raab boxedRegina Halmich in early 2007, Elton promised to participate at the New York City Marathon in case Raab should stand more than five rounds. Since Raab lasted all six rounds, Elton started his training and eventually finished the Marathon in 5:30:01 hrs, placed 34202nd.
Personal life
Since November 2003, Elton has been married to Yvonne Duszat with whom he has two kids.